Utah @  Arizona State

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  • stbone replied to the topic Win the bye week… in the forum Football 1 week ago

    At a high-level, we all expected a WTF loss, and here we are.

    As a side rant, I hate the way Utah LB’s are coached and play, and this game exposed that technique. (The last LB that I enjoyed watching from a technique standpoint was Cody Barton). The LB’s seem to be coached to avoid blocks and quickly flow. That works IF your DL eats the vast…[Read more]

  • Jim Vanderhoof replied to the topic So, yes I'm ticked, but… in the forum Football 1 week ago

    Amen. We weren’t ready to play.

  • lgt4141 replied to the topic Football is Entertainment in the forum Football 1 week ago

    It is easy to get sucked into the hype and it is fun when the Utes win and sucks when they lose but a reminder like Saturday is can be good to have. Win or lose diapers will still have to changed the next day in my house.

  • enigami344 replied to the topic Football is Entertainment in the forum Football 1 week ago

    ya I get that, and I am not mad at anyone either. But when life gets busy and football pretty much become my only entertainment, this loss stinks. The past weekend felt very empty. I probably need a healthier life

  • utefansince79 replied to the topic So, yes I'm ticked, but… in the forum Football 1 week ago

    It’s been noted a few other places that our last home loss to an unranked visitor was in 2017. So it isn’t like we make a habit of this. Just a game we need to learn from and move on.

  • lgt4141 replied to the topic Bizarro World in the forum Football 1 week ago

    Maybe there is more parity in the Big 12 than originally thought. It doesn’t like a conference anyone will go undefeated in at least this year.

  • Jim Vanderhoof replied to the topic So, yes I'm ticked, but… in the forum Football 1 week ago

    I agree proud Ute. We’ve been invincible at night at RES. I’ve been to every game (missed a couple is all)for the last 50 years. The Urban second year was the best as far as fan excitement. We had never reached those heights before. Seems every year the expectations have gotten higher and the disappointment higher.

  • Rick started the topic Win the bye week… in the forum Football 1 week ago

    I was impressed with Whittingham’s reaction/remarks following the loss. If you haven’t read the piece in the Deseret Morning News focused just on his response, I recommend it.

    He’s committed to fixing the red zone issues. I hope so. The program is long overdue to modernize red zone strategy and practice. I love how many of our opponents approach…[Read more]

  • RedRocks replied to the topic Bizarro World in the forum Football 1 week ago

    I like your optimism, but not your comparison.

    It has become quite clear to me that there is a portion of our fanbase that has become just as bad (or worse) than the portion of the TDS fanbase that we like to ridicule.

    All off-season people had to listen to the obnoxious portion of our fanbase gloat about superiority. Then we got to listen to…[Read more]

  • cj13 replied to the topic Football is Entertainment in the forum Football 1 week ago

    I realized this after the 2019 Pac 12 championship game 😂

  • AlohaUte replied to the topic new coach in the forum Football 1 week ago

    This again? Can you please go find another team to be a fan of? There are seriously no bigger complete morons on earth than those who call for Whit to move on.

  • ProudUte started the topic So, yes I'm ticked, but… in the forum Football 1 week ago

    I was so mad on Saturday night because
    – We were outcoached (big time)
    – We were outplayed
    – We were out-hustled
    – Our red zone offense was PATHETIC
    – We could not stop the run (very unusual)
    – We dropped lots of passes
    – The refs would not call a pass interference

    But, crap happens. Yes, we had a bad game, and the ball didn’t bounce our way. I…[Read more]

  • BD replied to the topic Football is Entertainment in the forum Football 1 week ago


    Games like Saturday, as unpleasant as they are, “reset” my mind on this, and remind me of two things: that it is just a game, and that I am sometimes way too emotionally attached.

  • AZUTE replied to the topic Calling Jaylon Glover in the forum Football 1 week ago

    Glover is not playing this season. Both sides have mutually agreed to redshirt to save a year of eligibility.

    On decision on his future at Utah will be made at the end of the regular season.

    JG has a lot of talent but he needs to decide how serious football is to him.

    Case in point. After he signed with Utah Coaches gave him a training…[Read more]

  • Texasute replied to the topic Football is Entertainment in the forum Football 1 week ago

    I have a tendency to get hyped up way over the top with Utah Football. Games like last Saturday, while a kick in the gut, helps me reset priorities.

  • RoboUte replied to the topic new coach in the forum Football 1 week ago

    Because you don’t get paid a giant pile of money by a public institution.

    If our receivers run the same 40 time as you would you be as generous? Or is it safe to assume that different expectations of different individuals is not only justified, but logical?

  • GameForAnyFuss replied to the topic Football is Entertainment in the forum Football 1 week ago

    Every time a hardcore Utah fan realizes this, an angel gets its wings.

  • GameForAnyFuss replied to the topic new coach in the forum Football 1 week ago

    Dang…I’m glad I don’t have people calling for me to get fired every time I have a bad day at work (especially when it’s not certain that the problems were my fault).

  • Yergensen started the topic Bizarro World in the forum Football 1 week ago

    Our reality flipped over the weekend falling in the standings and rankings behind a certain eager overachiever in the B12 conference.

    That fanbase will be or is already projecting based on 2 conference games as they are prone to do. We know not to do the same. We know from experience that this is a war of attrition and some battles are lost.…[Read more]

  • Jim Vanderhoof replied to the topic new coach in the forum Football 1 week ago

    I agree DT.

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