Stat analysis for our next 2 opponents

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    • #108987

      After going over these numbers, I see why we are such big favorites this week (and likely next). Utah is just better across the board and the margin is significant in some places. If we avoid a -3 TO margin  these should be wins. The primary reson for pessimism in these next 2 games seems to be based around our offense pending collapse going up against good defenses. We will probably see some amount of regression to a mean, but it wont matter. Heres why…



      YARDS PER PLAY (rk)

      Utah: 7.15 (6)

      ASU: 6.23 (39)

      Cal: 4.95 (108)

      Pass YPP

      Utah: 10.3 (8)

      ASU: 9.1 (14)

      Cal: 7.2 (74)

      RUSH YPP

      Utah 5.43 (15)

      ASU: 3.68 (102)

      Cal: 3.4 (116)


      Utah: 15 (6)

      ASU: 49 (38)

      Cal: 65 (93)


      The difference in SOS overall and the level of defense face between Utah and ASU is small. The logic that Utahs offense will see significant regression finally facing quality defenses goes for ASU as well. ASU is starting from a lower point than Utah on offense and is going up against the better defense, they could very well see the larger regression from that lower starting point. Its 1 game, so anything can happen in that small of a sample size. I still think turnovers would have to be the equalizer here.



      Utah: 4.79 (25)

      ASU: 5.06 (39)

      Cal: 5.01 (36)

      PASS YPP

      Utah: 6.2 (21)

      ASU: 6.7 (45)

      Cal: 6.0 (15)

      RUSH YPP

      Utah: 2.44 (6)

      ASU: 2.97 (16)

      Cal: 4.07 (64)


      Utah: 19 (20)

      ASU: 34 (48)

      Cal: 27 (31)


      ASU has really struggled to get any space for eno benjamin whatsoever only getting 4.2 ypc against a bad colorado defense, as well as 2.9 against sac state (!) and 4.6 against kent state. Our line could have some trouble opening holes against their team strength (run d), but again, the advantage here is Utah. Starting from a much higher point and going against the worse of the two run defenses. Herm is going to have to thoroughly outcoach Whit/Scal to erase the deficit.


      I expected a 9-11 point spread coming into this game, my theory is that its above that because vegas knows our defense is, and will end up, better than it is ranked statistically at this point once the sample size adequately dilutes matt fink hail marys.

      We have an advantage at every single spot. We still have to play well to win..but play our game, dont allow any special teams TDs, and the coaches cant be outcoached in both halves and this will be a win. Much like the secondary the last 2 weeks, this week the offense gets a chance to prove themselves. Show them what you can do and blow this team the f**k out of RES

    • #108989

      Very informative – thanks

    • #108990

      Holding Eno Benjamin to under 100 yards will be a big feather in Scalley’s hat. 

      • #108992

        based on their season performance not holding him under 4ypc will be a subpar performance. Unless we load up on the pass and force them to beat us on the ground, which would be surprising but maybe not the worst strategy w our DL facing a freshman qb.

        Especially given the history between us, the goal should be 60-75 yards on 20-25 carries

      • #108993

        Emo’s first move is to spin away from contact. The D needs to be aware of that and have a second player ready to attack into that maneuver using the combined momentum to put him down hard. They also need to contain Daniel’s with the outside rush and pressure up the middle.

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