BYU @  Utah

Zoobs are trying to win these polls to get a billboard

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo Zoobs are trying to win these polls to get a billboard

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    • #122530
      Ghost of the HEB

      In SLC.

      That’s what they’re resorting to these days since getting a W on the field won’t happen.

    • #122533
      5 5

      Good…let them win and let them have their billboard. We deserve every bit of basketball fanbase ridicule they can throw our way.

      We have nothing on them when it comes to basketball fandom. I’ve been sitting in the Hunty with several hundred other fans for years now, long enough to realize our basketball fanbase is now officially terrible. A lot of folks who would describe themselves as “hardcore Utah fans” haven’t set foot in that arena for a decade.

      • #122534

        The level of support most fanbases give to their program is a reflection of the product the program is putting on the court/field. 

        If Utah basketball wants better fan support, then LarryK needs to start winning more and scheduling games against teams that spark fan interest. 

        • #122546

          Interesting. When we had a losing football program 5 years ago, we didn’t have a problem filling RES. I didn’t hear anyone say they’d start going if Whit started winning more. Why is that? Do we have a double standard arising here?

          • #122549

            I don’t think there is a double standard whatsoever.

            Whittingham had built up quite a bit of good will with the fans between 2005-2011, not to mention his years as DC. LarryK has built no such foundation of support amongst Utah fans. In 2012 & 2013 our fans (for the most part) understood there would be some growing pains the first few years in the Pac-12. LarryK has been coaching Utah in the Pac-12 for 9 seasons. He got through the initial growing pains and just when things started to get good, the transfer train started up and has been running out of control ever since.

            On top of all that, 2012 & 2013 Utah football at least looked competent/competitive as they were only ever really blown out once or twice. The team was clearly growing and getting better. Meanwhile, Utah basketball looks totally lost most of the time. There doesn’t appear to be development from one year to the next. It’s not good basketball.

    • #122538

      First in ballot stuffing schemes!!

      The way they can Jimmer polls does make me worried about any future possible use of online voting.

    • #122539
      Tony (admin)

      2 types of contests one should never engage in with zoobs:

      1. Internet polls

      2. Ice cream eating

    • #122540

      I think it’s hilarious how important this competition is to them.  The zoobs have been following this poll intensively over on cougarboard for 2-wks now — constantly urging their fanbase to “Jimmer” that poll.  Since they can’t win on the gridiron, the mats, or the courts, they’re DESPERATE for ANY kind of “win” — even the ones that don’t even matter.  I think they’re going up against national powerhouse Dayton now — the only other fanbase that really even cares about this sort of thing.


      Poor zoobs!

      • #122544

        Let ’em win the art contests. We’ll take the sporting events.

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