I’m going to pretend like you actually care about the down votes and give you some advice.
Try not opening with, “How’s it going in the Utah bubble.”
A Utah fan would understand the negative connotations of refering to something as a bubble. You either did that intentionally or you don’t understand why it’s bothersome thus exposing yourself for the pretender you are. Hope your neighbor pulls through.
For someone who hates the state of Utah, hates the Uye football team and the University itself, you sure do spend a lot of time wondering how things are there.
Hope your neighbor pulls thru! Unfortunately several on this board are as bad as ex-wives, always have something to bitch about regardless of the current situation.
Yeah. Mich has been hit hard. Utah not so much. Decent amount of cases but “only” and I say only based on the deaths compared to the rest of the country. Only 45. Hasn’t been too bay but comparison to most every state.