success and Utah basketball has completely gone the other direction? Some factors play in, Head Coach, Mark Few, BB only school, consistent program stability. Hard to rationalize LK is doing a bang up job at Utah. Have to believe the only thing keeping LK employed at Utah right now is his big contract, BB celebrity status, and Harlan too young in his career to risk going up against LK and all his national BB supporters. Maybe Utah BB had it’s day with the Big Man in charge? Blessing and a curse going to UofU during a decade or so of great BB tradition.
Harlan lowering the curtains on empty seats is telling of program problems with decling attendance maybe he’s not willing to address? To be fair, a lot of this mess was inherited and overall, college BB attendance has been on the decline. Other than some photo shoots with established Utah donors for the football remodel (way in motion before he got to Utah) not sure what the guy has done for Utah athletics in the past two years that was not already in place or moving forward from Chris Hill? Seems like he talks a lot while riding the Utah P12 success wave. I am an outside fan so I am sure there’s probably more to what Harlan is doing for the UofU. The action and results of Chris Hill were truly apparent that he was invested in the UofU. These guys are paid a s**t load of tax payer, alumni, and student money. Not too much to ask for some productive results. Again, to be fair, I am sure there is waaay more to what Harlan is doing that I am not seeing. Go Utes!