I’d be curious to see if this decision was made by the league office alone or if the athletic directors and presidents signed off on it. This may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back if Larry made the decision himself…
Man, Canzano is on a mission to take down Larry and his people. I’d hate to be on his bad side.
I wonder who makes more money by selling out: Blake Richardson for “cheerleading” for the Pac-12? Or Jay Drew and/or Dick Harmon for doing so likewise for the tdS over on the DNews?
This isn’t that uncommon of practice in the advertising/PR world. Nearly every top this or top that for 20XX list you see in any publication is paid for by those listed as the top. Also common to couple advertising with “increased engagement” by media outlets. Scott has made a lot of horrible decisions that haven’t bit him yet.
If the dishnetwork debacle wasn’t enough, this won’t even be a blip for P12 AD’s