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IF college football collectively moves to Spring. I would be surprised

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football IF college football collectively moves to Spring. I would be surprised

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    • #127529

      if there would not be a ton of opposition from some groups on and off campus? What does it mean for the other sports, TitleIX, facilities, logistics, expenses, etc? Totally shooting in the dark as it can’t be that simple to just flip football to Spring. College football is the bread winner for the schools and sports programs so a decision may wash out any opposition to a Spring season. Hopefully mask wearing saves the day and college football gets going this Fall :)! Go Utes!

    • #127560

      I would be fascinated to know the logistics around how they would pull something like this off. Having all sports at once seems like it would be a logistical nightmare as far as resources go. As someone with former SID experience (granted at a much smaller school) I would be curious to know how they’ll manage employees/support staff who already work multiple sports and are asked to now work all of them at once. I don’t know how much of the support staff at Utah is shared amongst sports, but I imagine there is quite a bit of crossover. I think people forget it takes more than just the coaches and players to get games done. I think about all the travel plans that typically have to be arranged years in advance (chartered planes, buses, lodging, police escorts, security staff, etc). I would love to be to be a fly on the wall in some of those conversations if things do get moved to spring. Honestly I think that could be too much to overcome and if football is cancelled–it’d be next fall before we saw it again.

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