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    • #127996
      Tony (admin)

      I’ve recently found a whole bunch of topics and repies which were in “pending” status thanks to a couple of users asking me where their posts disappeared to.  As it turns out, there’s an automagic spam prevention measure built in which take any post/reply which numerous links in it and sets it to pending mode for an admin to review and approve.  This is to prevent spammers/bots from posting millions of links. It was set at 3 links, but I changed it to 5. Some posts were in moderation and I’ve approved many, but deleted many duplicates as well.  Hopefully that will all work out.  Any users who have had previous posts “approved” will not have their posts put in moderation.

      If you make and post and it does not appear, let me know.

    • #128018

      Thanks Tony for all you do to provide this board for all of us.

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