Utah @  Big 12

Next few weeks will tell a lot more. P12 can spin it all they want

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Next few weeks will tell a lot more. P12 can spin it all they want

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    • #128719
      12 4

      with the rapid testing “breakthrough” with some testing company making a bunch of money out of it. Spoiler alert, rapid testing is not new. If the ACC, B12, SEC, and now the BIG working on a plan to possibly play this should be the down fall for the P12. Why the P12 schools are pretending this is no big deal is baffling? There has to be more to this with USC, Oregon, and the other CA schools virtually silent.

      Only a matter a time before the transfer gates start opening and kids start committing to other schools. Not questioning the severity of Covid what so ever, just seems the P12 continues to poorly manage a crisis response and are soon to be the only major conference not playing football. Tell me I’m missing something here? Go Utes!

    • #128721
      6 14

      I think it has more to do with the PAC12 being a collection of research universities. The PAC12 has a higher percentage of tier 1 research universities than any other conference. They’ve known how severe COVID is for a long time, because they’re all doing tons of research on it. The groundswell of research has influenced the PAC12 presidents to be extra cautious.

      Face it: Most (not all, but most) of the conferences who pushed forward this fall are full of truck driving schools. They haven’t had a good understanding of the virus and they still don’t.

      I’m not saying who was right and who was wrong. Just pointing out that not playing football was an educational decision, not an athletic one.

      • #128722
        20 2

        You misspelled political.

      • #128726
        16 2
        Central Coast Ute

        If you’re going to try to tell me that Duke University has a poor understanding of COVID or they’re just refusing to share what they know with everyone else so they can play football, I’m going to have to raise the bull s**t flag on that one. Let’s face it, every other university that’s playing knows just as much as Stanford and UCLA does. Trying to say this is anything other than political nonsense is pure naivete.

      • #128727
        9 1

        The BigTen also has 100% of their institutions at the Tier-1 level.  I’d even give the BigTen the edge as 93% of their schools are AAU.  The Pac-12 can only claim 75%.

        • #128728
          Central Coast Ute

          Good call. I knew the BIG had a lot of very good schools but I didn’t know the numbers. Thanks for the info.

      • #128761

        Face it: Most (not all, but most) of the conferences who pushed forward this fall are full of truck driving schools. They haven’t had a good understanding of the virus and they still don’t.

        Right, this sentence right here tells us where you stand. You can go ahead and say “I don’t know who’s right and who’s wrong”, but clearly your mind is made up. Also, that’s a major gross generalization that is wildly inaccurate. I mean the ACC has Duke, UVA, UNC, and GA Tech among other solid universities. The SEC has Vandy, Georgia, and Florida which are all excellent universities, and the Big 10 is on par with the Pac-12 for research universities.

    • #128730

      It doesn’t matter what the Pac12 does if the governments of CA, WA & OR won’t let their colleges play…

      • #128731

        This. You can’t do anything unless USC is on board. P**sing USC off is a loser’s game…unless your future plans are to try to join the Big 12. But if you think PAC-12 membership is your long term go, you don’t do anything without USC.

        • #128782

          USC isn’t going anywhere. It would hurt them too if they did. We should be playing but politics got involved

    • #128733
      1 1

      Spot On!  

    • #128734

      Spot On!

    • #128739
      7 1

      Pac 12 does not have any great insight on coronavirus. High schools and ute conference little league has found a way thru that. What the Pac 12 does have is a troublesome player boycott threat and several liberal universities and guvnors that do not want things to get better until after the election. These are the two issues that need to be resolved to get back to football. We need good news on these fronts.

      • #128741
        Central Coast Ute

        I mostly agree with you Charlie. Personally, I think #weareunited is playing a big role here. I’m not too sure about the governors but you may be correct. However, in California they’re allowing MLB and the NFL to play so I don’t see why they wouldn’t allow college football. Maybe they’ll treat college kids differently than then professional players, I just don’t know.

        • #128743

          I believe the pros are being allowed to play because of the money and power the pro leagues hold. These teams and leagues are owned/run by billionaires that could almost single handedly get the governors of these states voted out of office. Universities are controlled by the state and even if they weren’t, they don’t have anywhere close to that kind of money and power.

          • #128745
            1 1
            Central Coast Ute

            I get it. But I don’t think Gavin can say some of you can play, but others cannot. At least not publicly.

            • #128753

              And yet . . . the Niners, Chargers, and Rams are going to play while all of the universities in CA are not.

              • #128755
                1 2
                Central Coast Ute

                Yes, but Gavin hasn’t said the universities cannot play.

    • #128748
      5 1

      Have to Agree. Scott is terrible. But, the league is being held hostage by CA and ORE. These two states do not want to play. And are in no rush. That’s half of our league. We can’t do anything until these states get there s*** together.

    • #128762
      3 2

      Then they should give the Utah, Arizona, and Colorado schools the liberty to do an independent schedule if they want.

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