Your metaphors don’t really make sense. Jumping the shark is intended to be a bad thing (it signified the decline of Happy Days, the show) – so not jumping the shark is a good thing.
“power they have stolen” … what are you talking about?
They are holding hearings because there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court. Congress has been spinning its wheels on economic stuff for months (also, to their credit, Congress has passed multiple economic bills during the pandemic – the idea that they cannot do anything else until everyone is economically satisfied, whatever that metric is, is absurd and would basically mean Congress can never do anything else).
Also, do you really believe Trump is responsible for the unemployment caused by lockdowns? The guy has flaws, but try to at least be intellectually honest. Trump did not order economic lockdowns. Where are lockdowns the worst? States controlled by democrats. If you do not see how political lockdowns are, you are willfully ignoring things.
Crazy. Just crazy.