I disagree. It’s great to see people like you do well. Mormons loved it when Romney ran for president. My daughter loved it when Captain Marvel came down and gathered her friends up and kicked Thanos’ ass. If you are a person of color, and you see an all black officiating crew, that is one more thing you can do when you grow up.
Before 2008, black people couldn’t be president. Women couldn’t be vice president. Women and black people couldn’t be super heroes. Now, we have had a black president, black vice president, woman vice president, a woman won the popular vote for president and looking back was the obvious right choice for president, a black man was a super hero and another is now Captain America. Women are the strongest super heroes and they can come together without the help of a man and defeat evil.
It’s all very, very important. We need to expand everybody’s horizon and unlock their potential and seeing people like you succeed lets you know that you can do it too.