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Calm down people

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Calm down people

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    • #133150
      13 1

      Some of you are acting like we have taken massive steps backward as a program. Talking like Whitt is reverting to his (alleged) old ways of not being willing to keep his foot on the gas… blah blah blah.

      The reality is, the outcome of that game means faaaaaar less to this program than the experience that our young guys are getting.

      Ty Jordan had a massive fumble in the redzone. Had he not fumbled, we likely score the winning points… but look at his stat line. 97 yards rushing on 10 attempts. This kid is a true freshman… he averaged nearly 10… TEN yards per carry against one of the best defenses in the pac12! They KNEW he was going to be a focal point of our offense last night, and he still made them look bad.

      We have several freshmen on defense either starting or getting substantial playing time, and they aren’t just there because we don’t have anyone else, they are among the best players on our defense… AS FRESHMEN.

      Even the offensive line, as bad as they have been, is getting very valuable experience, and seemingly improving quickly.

      It’s gonna be fine guys, relax.

    • #133151
      3 4

      Well .. we’ve lost 4 straight .. last year team was as loaded as team as you can ask for , and still couldn’t pull it off … so what’s the issue ? .. I’ll still watch and bitch and finger point cause I am just a fan and have no clue what’s going on the inside .. but the eyeball test isn’t passing for me .. Bentley is not a starting QB the oline seems alway to be an issue and play calling is basic and predictable

      • #133155
        Central Coast Ute

        To be honest, these freshmen look better than years team when they were freshmen.

    • #133153

      Calm down? Are you new around here? This is the most calm I’ve ever seen this place after a football loss, especially a come-from-ahead loss. I’m actually really proud of everyone around here this morning for keeping it in perspective.

    • #133158
      Larry B

      I’m not mad that they lost. In fact, I expected them to lose. I’m mad about HOW they lost. They showed that they have the talent to beat Washington for one half and then they showed that they didn’t deserve to be on the same field as Washington the other half. It’s an issue that this team has had for several years.

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