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I am glad we have Whitt as our head coach

The Analytics Forums Utah Utes Sports Football I am glad we have Whitt as our head coach

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    • #133863

      But, I do not like his conservative approach at the end of some games.  It is possible to really like KW and disagree with him about his 4th quarter approach on Saturday.

      We had moved the ball well the entire game by mixing things up.  We did not have a three and out the entire game until the 4th quarter and then we had three consecutive three and outs.  OSU’s defense didn’t all of a sudden get better.  We chose to be conservative and OSU stacked the box.  IMO just my opinion, we should have continued to do what got us to 30 points by the 3rd quarter.

      I know we are very lucky to have KW at Utah.  I am not calling for a change.  However, this does not mean that loyal Ute fans cannot disagree with him on occasion.

    • #133864
      Tony (admin)

      One of the great things about football is it is a chess game. We as fans can always have fun analyzing and agreeing or disagreeing with the strategy and moves made by the coaches.

    • #133865

      My thoughts exactly

      • #133866

        Good post.  Perhaps we throw a short pass or two to one of our sure-handed TE’s to keep the defenses honest on some of these 3rd and short situations.  That’s all.

        • #133867
          4 1

          This assumes that Bentley can make those throws and not turn it over. 

          • #133869

            I agree with Whitt’s lack of confidence there.  Maybe we need to put Covey in the wildcat… that would open up a few options.

    • #133868

      While in Theory I agree with you. Sat showed me that Whitt has no confidence in Bentley. Nor should he after the last few weeks. Whit didn’t want Bentley to lose The game foe us with some ridiculous pick. At the end of the day Whitt wants the W. Really concerned with our QB situation with next year.

    • #133871

      KW is lucky to have a job like Utah. No person is ever bigger than the job they’re in. He’s the 20th highest paid college football coach at $5m a year with a $21m buy out. He’s had a relatively low pressure/expectations of success benchmark at Utah compared to other coaches paid at his level (not saying his job does not come with expectations or pressure). His record is currently 43-41 in the P12 Conference. KW has one conference championship in 16 years at Utah. KW was able to stay and live in one place around his family in a beautiful, safe community with a very favorable income to cost of living ratio not having to move across country every 2-3 years to build his resume. I am sure KW is gratful for.

      Don’t get me wrong, KW has a done a ton for Utah football, it goes both ways equally though. The University of Utah has done a lot for him to include Ron McBride, Urban Meyer, Dennis Erickson, Chris Hill, and many others along the way during his career. KWs most successful seasons, as stated before in 2008 and the last two years have been with the aid of offensive recruiting/support from Meyer and Erickson respectively. 

      Not piling on against KW as mentioned he’s done a lot for Utah football. Utah is a great place and when his time is done the Utes are big enough of now in the P12 to attract an excellent coach at a great school in a beautiful environment. If KW is the gold standard for Utah football, then so be it. Not attacking anyone on the board, my pespective is I don’t buy into the Utah football is lucky to have KW mindset. 

      • #133873
        7 1

        You spelled “Utah is lucky to have KW as their coach” incorrectly at the beginning of what you said.

        There is always going to be a give and a take, when it comes to coaching. Some just flat out stuck, some are offensive minded, some are defensive minded, some just dictate and let their coordinators run to the show. 

        I am not saying Kyle is perfect, I am saying that Utah fans are spoiled s**ts though, complaining about Kyle. Utah has had a great run with Kyle, most FBS teams would trade for what we have had in an absolute heartbeat.

        I grew up in the 80’s, when we got absolutely laughed at for being Utah fans, remember how amazing it was to be invited to a bowl game in the early 90’s. It is pretty incredible how far Utah has come. I totally get what you are saying, and respect that. I think perspective is really important though. A football team in SLC isn’t exactly white hot rectruiting grounds, Kyle has been a huge part of making it a place kids will look at though.

        Again, Kyle isn’t perfect. There are very few I would even consider trading him for though.


        • #133874

          It has definitely been a mutually beneficial relationship to have Kyle lead the Utes.  A few notes:

          1) Kyle was tasked with taking Utah from the MWC to the Pac12.  We’ve held our own while we’re trying to build the depth it takes to compete in a P5 conference.  Any team in this conference of parity can beat you on any given week.  There aren’t any breaks.

          2) Any pundit will tell you how much they respect the Utah program.  They’ll tell you that we’re well-coached and based on many interviews with opposing conference coaches, they don’t really like to play us.  They may beat us but it’s going to be a grind (most of the time).

          3) Whitt is a defensive-minded coach.  We get what we get with that.  I just turned 50, have been a fan since I was a kid, and the funnest two years of Utah football were the ones Urban Meyer coached.  We were unpredictable and disciplined.  I miss the blocked punts we used to get because Urban coached that up.  Whitt is never going to have that kind of offensive creativity, but most teams don’t.

          4) I’m good with the program.  We may not get to the Rose for another 20 years (ask Arizona about that).  We’re super competitive when we’re not rebuilding like we are now.  As much as I’d like to sign all the five-star recruits that ‘Bama does, it’s never going to happen.  We just have to coach up the guys willing to play for us (which we do).

          • #133875

            One other thing: Whitt understands the Mormon/mission thing as well as cultivating a great environment for the Polynesian players.  Don’t discount that.

          • #133892

            There’s no reason this team can’t go to the Rose Bowl every 4 to 6 years! Our recruiting has gone up every year to make this possible. 

            • #133906

              Yep. And that’s been about what we’ve done since 2016. You can see this in the cycles. 11 we were in games but didn’t win enough, 15/14 we were close to going to the champ game, 18 and 19 in the championship game but fell short, let’s see what 2021-3 will bring. 

    • #133910

      If you saw his comments post game you would realize he wasn’t happy about it either.  

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