ICYMI the Ute Hub 2020 fundraiser has been going for awhile now. We are 3/4 of the way to the goal! Thanks to all who have generously donated and left some great comments. If you haven’t yet, now is your chance to make a contribution to help support the site and keep it ad free!
I put as much elbow grease into the site as possible with my web development skills. But there are some hard costs the elbow grease doesn’t cover.
No donation is too small (or too big!)
Funds raised in the fundraiser will go toward the following:
- Dedicated server costs ($1400/year)
- Development
- Support
- Equipment
- Software
- Domain registration fees
- SSL certificates (so the site can be secure)
- Apple app store developer fee ($100/year)
- Google Play store developer fee ($25/year)
- Other items necessary to develop and support the website and mobile apps.
- Chat software ($20/month)
If you prefer Venmo instead of the GoFundme, the Venmo ID is TonyKorologos.
Thanks to all for the support and GO UTES!