I think Bernard is now RB1, and Utah reaches out to those that would fit that are in the portal, or uncommited saying you can fill this GIANT spot. I get the post below saying that it is uncomfortable to talk about, it is relevant though. While this is the absolute worst situation for an opportunity to come up for someone, they may see it as a great opportunity for them, on many levels.
I think Jackson will still 100% come, if nothing else than to fulfill what him and Jordan wanted to do. While he had a relationship with Ty, I would be shocked if he hadn’t started building relationships on the team as well.
From the fan standpoint, I think it is important to consider that not having Ty on the field, could have happened due to an injury as well. The team would have had contingencies in place for that potentially happening.
Him losing his life is the absolute unforseen situation, that breaks about as deep as possible. Still hard to understand, and it is so heartbreaking that we never got to cheer for him. Life is too damn short.