I read the posts below and I understand why some think he will not go. I think he may not go this year either. The reason – we don’t have a university president. I doubt that a lame-duck or acting president will pull the plug.
Our basketball program is in dire straits IMO.
Coach K had some good (not great) early years and we over-reacted by giving him a contract that he did not deserve. We are paying the consequences. That being said, if we had an established president, I believe we would pull the plug. It would be costly, but I feel that it would be more costly to continue down this path.
The top of my list for a replacement is Alex Jensen. However, I am not sure that he wants this debacle. He has a great job and likely will be an NBA coach someday. But, maybe he would like the challenge of rebuilding the program that he once played for.
Go Utes!!!