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Our season goals are still acheivable

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Our season goals are still acheivable

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    • #150320
      Milton Vanderslice

      Learn from mistakes in preseason <– We are here
      Win the Pac12 South
      Win the Pac12 Championship

    • #150323

      Milton, I like the optimism, but a G5 school just lined up and ran right down our throats. What do you think USC, Stanford, and Oregon are going to do to us??

      I hope that I’m just being pessimistic and that somehow we learn and fix our mistakes but I’m also willing to admit that maybe our talent level is subpar and we just aren’t very good this year.

      Seeing SDSU work Arizona in Tucson yesterday has me pretty concerned right now. Especially if we come out with a hangover.

      • #150348

        I mean, a worse version of that same G5 school lined up and beat USC who went onto kill us in that same year… 2019. Sometimes teams show up and eat your lunch. BYU played well, we struggled. I don’t think we need to overreact. Packers went down 38-3 today to a retooling Saints team. I don’t think they will lose all their games, or that the Saints will win all if theirs. Sports have ups and downs. I think we will end up ok.

        • #150354

          The margin for error in CFB is so damn slim if your goal is a conference, or national championship… This game ended any hope for the CFP basically, unless we were to win out, and win the P12 champ game. No NFL team knows after week two that they have zero chance to play in the Superbowl.

    • #150347

      I can’t see it happening. We can’t get pressure with our front 4, which has fueled our second level success in the past. Oir defense is still young and inexperienced, even given our five scrimmages last year. We are a mid-tier P12 team at best without our customary defense.

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