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“They really instill confidence.” “It’s someone you WANT to play for.” RE: BBALL

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Basketball (Men) “They really instill confidence.” “It’s someone you WANT to play for.” RE: BBALL

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    • #155366
      Ute Dub

    • #155368
      Ute Dub

      This seems like a welcome contrast to the previous situation.

    • #155383

      Meh… This is what literally every player says when their coaching staff gets replaced. I mean, it makes sense because coaches, like any other professional tend to lose interest/energy/optimism as they stay at one job for several years up until they either leave by choice or get canned, then they are replaced by a new guy who has a renewed sense of interest/energy/optimism… and that makes the players feel like this coach is better to play for.

      I’ll believe Smith is better for the program when the program performs better that it did under LK. I’m not claiming LK should have stayed, he needed to go. The question is whether or not Smith is the right guy to replace him. We’ll find out over the next few years.

      • #155396
        Ute Dub

        Your tired boring response sounds like an opinion of someone that has put in absolutely zero effort into researching the current staff and previous staff. Herein you have a former player that was with Larry K. and Tommy C. for many years pre and post mission – interviewing a current player that was with both staffs and they are strongly comparing the positive and negative energies experienced with both staffs. Furthermore, if you have even read one or two articles from former players of Smith you would definitely see a trend of continued optimism and high energy despite the year – ALWAYS. Compare that with Both Gach and other players leaving the program because they hate the negative energy and you can start to understand the same but opposite trend that existed in the previous staff. 

        Now, Smith winning or losing may have zero correlation with this higher positivity and high energy. He might have high energy and positive attitude and come in and get his ass kicked in the PAC 12. Could be. But that was not the topic of the original post. I prefer players wanting to come to practice and wanting to work hard instead of feeling like they are laboring under a tyrant. I have a friend that loathed played for Tommy C. at Westminster, thought of him as the devil, and he was a starter and high point earner. 

        • #155403

          It’s just the player version of coachspeak.

          Everything you are taking as fact is simply conjecture. I have no read to believe that smith was the wrong hire. I like him, I hope he does well. Nobody k own if he is going to do well or not.

          • #155411
            Ute Dub

            What’s the incomplete information / conjecture? I shared direct quotes via a video. I used actual quotes from the video. The player was telling of his experience to which he was actually present. You need to look up the definition of conjecture. 

            Damn it. Nobody said he’s going to do well or not. I just shared the experience of an interview. 

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