I just did a test user’s picks and it worked. App or website? Maybe try logging out and logging back in. Also check to see if you’ve already made your picks!
Looks like you may be using the MOBILE APP. It defaults to the latest game entered, which is week 7. (I was trying to get some homework done in advance!) We are in week 6. Tap the dropdown at the top and select “2022 CFB Week 6”. Let me know if that gets you in. Hurry! You have 12 min.
Hmm. After checking you actually CAN make your picks for next week on the mobile app. Shoot. Without more information I can’t diagnose or help.
What time zone are you guys in?
What does “it won’t let me” mean?
Does it say Picks Locked?
Is there time left on the countdown?
Is the submit button not clickable?