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Utah can play with USC

Beat Arizona Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Utah can play with USC

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    • #174864
      The Miami Ute

      I’ve watched all of USC’s PAC-12 games and, in my view, they’ve been decidedly unimpressive. They should have lost to OSU, were taken to the wire by ASU, and are now losing to Wazzu. Yes, they have a “Showtime” type offense but their defense sucks hard. If Utah doesn’t have a competent outing against them next week at Rice-Eccles, then that calls into question the composition and competence of this Utah team. A win versus USC will make Utah’s season so let’s come prepared to play.

    • #174869

      How would it make the season?

    • #174871

      Yep, USC looks very beatable. Wouldn’t be surprised if WSU beat them today. P12 is wide open.

    • #174875
      Tony (admin)

      USC is certainly looking beatable at the moment, which I’m sure the rest of our opponents sans Arizona and Colorado are thinking about us. 

    • #174880
      The Miami Ute

      Tony, I certainly wouldn’t sleep on Zona. It wouldn’t surprise me if they beat the Ducks tonight.

    • #174881
      The Miami Ute

      It’s just my opinion but beating USC would make Utah’s season by putting paid to the narrative that USC is back to national prominence.

      • #174886

        Even if it doesn’t make Utah’s season, I’d settle for wrecking USC’s.

    • #174890

      Utah is not beating USC. Too much talent and match up problems for Utah’s defense. The lack of talent, speed and depth at LB and Dline exposed against UF showed up agianst UCLA.  UCLA did whatever they wanted on offense. Utah has not recruited at the level of the other top half of the P12 on defense and it’s showing. 

      • #174897
        The Miami Ute

        Every game is its own microcosm. USC needed celestial help to beat OSU and yet Utah destroyed those same Beavers at Rice Eccles. ASU, a team in relative disarray, gave USC a tough game and, again, Utah destroyed the Sun Devils.
        Even tonight, are you going to tell me that Wazzu has more talent than Utah? I don’t think so, and they’re giving USC all they can handle at the Colosseum. If Utah comes out fired up on defense and ready to play, I think that they can beat USC.

        • #174901

          I just don’t see our front seven doing much of anything.
          Would have to rely heavily on the offense to win that game in my opinion.

          • #174906
            The Miami Ute

            I think, again just my opinion, that as USC’s body of work on offense grows bigger as the season goes along, teams are starting to adjust to Riley, Williams, and crew. A case in point is this evening’s game versus Wazzu, which I’m watching as I type this. Granted, Wazzu is a solid team but can someone really say with a high degree of confidence that they have better personnel than Utah? I don’t think so, personally speaking…Utah has just underperformed on defense in a couple of games this season. They just need to figure out, scheme-wise, what they need to do to be successful against the Trojans.

            • #174918
              Tony (admin)

              I don’t think it is just the scheme we need to figure out. We need to execute. There’s not a lot of that happening. 

              • #174927
                The Miami Ute

                I agree with that. The tackling and pursuit by the defense today was at Pop Warner standards. Very un-Utah like…

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