Agreed! The Jazz have done exactly what they should have avoided at all costs. They’re middle of the pack and mediocre, not good enough to do well in the playoffs (maybe even make the playoffs), but also not bad enough to get a high lottery pick on a year that has a bumper crop of good draft prospects. Thanks Danny Ainge!
Man, I haven’t watched the NBA for years. I was browsing to see how the Jazz are doing. Denver, Memphis, and Sacramento are leading the West, while Houston, San Antonio, and the Lakers are at the bottom of the standings. What the hell happened?
I wish the Jazz would make Westbrook play a few games before buying him out- not sure if the financial situation woth that. Just some humble pie for him. Never liked his attitude and ego.
Not sure what to type, but the team obviously was in shock last night. Looking for awhile like the ‘pesky’ Timberwolves might put up a couple hundred points last night.
Trying to be optimistic, but expecting a rather bad couple of months to end this season.
Waiting to see what happens today. Still have a few hours left for more moves.