Except for Big Noon Big 10 game, we own Fox the rest of the day. Too bad we share the slot with CU vs. Ore, but two ranked vs. ranked games in afternoon? Awesome for the rest of the country to see the b(r)and that is breaking up. I was hoping for the 5 game since I am trying to backpack Fri/Sat with my kid, but I’ll adjust.
Yeah, I know. Our front 7 is much improved and Moore is good, but he isn’t at DTR’s level and he is nowhere near as fast or elusive. He’s also never played in a hostile environment. Although, day games at RES don’t feel as hostile as night games.
Whitt just secretly means he prefers the early games because apparently he doesn’t like waiting all day, but the night atmosphere is much better and we seem to play better at night. Hence, I prefer night games.