TCU @  Utah

Toxic Poster


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    • #213717
      7 9

      MDUte has consistently insulted people as much as to literally say “You are a pathetic loser” among others things to multiple people. Man is very toxic.

    • #213720

      I’ve brought up some posters to the Mods that I thought were toxic and just here to troll. Got told as long as they don’t break the board rules nothing will be done about it.

      So my suggestion to you is just ignore the ones you don’t like.

    • #213721
      2 5

      is insulting and lashing out not breaking the rules? lol.
      not trying to be a snowflake. I just think it’s very odd behavior. We wouldn’t accept behavior like it in our social circles outside of the internet.

    • #213722
      3 4

      i would say calling someone a “pathetic loser” and his lashings out on multiple people is a personal attack.
      that is a community rule broken.

    • #213723
      14 3

      That ignore feature works great. I like MD. If nothing else, dude is one hell of a dedicated Ute fan.

      • #213724
        7 5

        SMH .. have thicker skin

        • #213725
          6 5

          has nothing to do with being tough or having thicker skin. Its just about keeping the community healthier, and calling out peoples BS. Ignoring such blatant behavior is a terrible mindset.

          I like what MDute has to say a lot of the time and I agree with many of his points on Utes related topics. That doesnt make him any less toxic towards members of his same fanbase.

          • #213728
            10 7

            Go back and read your post to the board about me, calling me names first such as a narcissist. Now you’re starting an entire thread to call me out as a toxic poster…get real man. If you’re going to go and do that, don’t expect me to sit idly by and watch. You say you’re not some snowflake but then demonstrate snowflake behavior…be consistent dude.

      • #213726
        1 3

        I have used the ignore feature many of times.

    • #213732
      Tony (admin)

      If there are posts that are breaking site rules, which includes name-calling, send me a link. I also recommend ignoring users you don’t want to see.

    • #213738
      12 4
      The Miami Ute

      I disagree with your comments about MDUte. Whoever he is, he provides more useful content than 90 percent of the people who frequent this site. Just because you got into a p**sing contest with him, doesn’t mean that you can expect everybody here to support your ban campaign. I remember that something similar happened to me a few months ago and some dude wrote a post asking Tony to ban me. You know what the response was? Crickets. If you don’t like what someone is posting you can either block the person so that you can’t see his/her posts or ignore his/her posts.

      • #213739

        One of my comments got about a billion downvotes. I’m surprised I don’t have a removal thread yet.

      • #213750
        1 1

        never said i wanted him banned. when did i say that?
        im just pointing out the toxicity.
        and btw it was me who was on your butt too. and your behavior has changed since then.
        i also posted dystopia and he got banned as he should have.

        i never posted that you should be banned. i’m just pointing out more than normal toxicity.

        you could say your favorite color is blue and he gets angry. lol. it’s like a teenager playing COD.

        • #213760
          Central Coast Ute

          Dystopia got himself banned. Iirc Tony was in no mood for his crap that day. The other dude that was banned along with him was that guy who was always drunk posting. I forget his name now, but apparently, he had like 4 degrees from different universities, has been to pretty much every stadium, and was also a Marine combat vet. Man, I wish I could remember his name now. It’s bugging me. Someone help me out.

    • #213740
      2 2

      He’s certainly not a well adjusted individual but I have seen him post some good info or at least productive opinions. Which I think is good enough as a part of the ecosystem. I’m not sure how high the bar should be exactly but I don’t think that he’s really disrupting the board at large just by being a s**tlord sometimes. You have to strike a balance between sanitizing the board and keeping it real.

      • #213749
        1 1

        i agree. he as been angrier than normal the last month.

    • #213752
      3 1

      Sharing opinions is great and awesome.
      putting down others and calling people stupid for their opinions is horrible behavior.

      • #213754
        15 2

        I appreciate the kind comments from Backer, Miami and others…thank you!Utah Football is one of my few passions in life. I’ve tried to take up hobbies such as golf but find it to be more frustrating than enjoyable.My entire family bleeds red. Both parents went to the U and raised me and my siblings to all passionately cheer on the Utes. And as a result, me and all of my siblings attended and graduated from the U of U. Growing up, I went to Majerus’s summer basketball camp every year from 7th grade on to my senior year in high school. Our family had season tickets to MBB all through the Majerus years when we only knew Utah to be a “basketball school”. Since those days, Urban Meyer and Whitt converted our entire family over to Football and we’ve been that way ever since. To this day, the Sugar Bowl win is the all-time greatest sporting event I’ve ever attended in-person. I definitely have some unbelievable Utah victories up there on my all-time list but, for me, the win over Bama stands at the top.I’d love to see MBB come back at some point to a level that we knew growing up. But Utah Football has been like a drug that we can’t seem to get enough of and completely consumes all of us in my family.Admittedly, I have strong opinions of where Utah belongs in the future landscape of CFB. And it’s not the B12. IMO, Utah is stuck in a type of purgatory right now being seen as a fringe-level candidate to the P2. And I trust that Whitt is privy to inside info that all points to Utah being included in whatever form the future Super League ultimately takes. In the meantime, everything for Utah is about continuing to build our brand. Most importantly this involves winning and staying relevant. But I do subscribe to our fanbase taking on the role of the “Villain of the B12”. Attention is great for Utah’s brand and negative attention in the form of other fanbases despising the Utes and circling Utah on their calendars only amplifies the attention and spotlight on our brand. So I couldn’t care less if Zoobs go to such great lengths on social media to paint us out to be “the worst fanbase in the country” as they like to say and all of that other nonsense. IMO, they’re just doing great marketing for our brand and I welcome that.This is a long-winded post to confirm wholeheartedly that I am a passionate Utes fan. I am not someone who goes looking for a fight online. But when someone takes a shot at me, I will counter back. I don’t have a lot of patience for fans who cross the line of fair criticism of either the coaches or the players. Nobody wants to win more than them and I am so appreciative of how hard they work to represent all of us and our great University.All that said, if anyone has a problem with me or truly believes I’m a “toxic poster” then maybe I’m just in the wrong place. I don’t believe that’s the case but if I’m mistaken feel free to let me know.

        • #213756

          that’s an awesome response MDute, thank you.

          i don’t think you are in the wrong place at all. Go Utes!

          • #213759
            5 1

            Thanks RedUte14, I appreciate it. I sincerely apologize for offending you but hope we can put all of that behind us now. Go Utes!

            • #213765

              i value your points and opinions more than most here.

        • #213757
          4 4

          No .. this topic has been blown out of proportion .. we all got the spring itch and football can’t get here soon enough.

          • #213758
            2 1

            if people are responding, then that’s just like your opinion man.

            • #213762
              2 3

              Your opinion started this post .. man lol .. so if my opinion doesn’t change your opinion you should make another post and tell people how I should change my opinion.. lol can’t believe I am responding to this

              • #213768

                i didn’t make a post about disagreements, it was about someone’s behavior on breaking community rules.

        • #213761
          7 3
          Central Coast Ute

          Keep up the posting MD. I appreciate your posts and haven’t had any issues with you or anyone else on the board. Even if I disagree with them.

        • #213764
          7 1

          We are all loyal Utes, yet we have different opinions about coaches, players, the administration, etc. It’s okay to have differing opinions, in fact that is completely normal. IMO, I think we all (me included) can do better at times on how we disagree.

          A few days ago, I posted about my dream coaching staff. I was surprised how many downvotes I got. That’s fine, it just means that many of you disagreed with my thoughts on a future coaching staff.

          I just don’t like it when some posters call fellow Utes idiots, morons, bad fans, etc. MDUte, I am not calling you out, I am just posting my thoughts in general. I was on UteFans for almost 20 years. After Chris died, that site became toxic and I stopped going there. I am glad that Tony created this site for us to share thoughts.

          Go Utes!!!

          • #213766

            exactly, has nothing to do with different opinions. it’s how you react to those opinions.

          • #213767

            We have a tight group here to be honest. The ones that have been truly annoying get weeded out pretty quick . Name calling is not my thing , but doesn’t bother me either.. This is not even close to being a toxic environment.. Tony does a great job keeping it in check imo

    • #213771
      Tony (admin)

      Let’s calm TF down and refrain from name calling. We can be civil without me having to be a boogerboard admin, right?

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