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Server under attack

Donate in the 2024 Fundraiser! Forums Ute Hub Site Server under attack

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    • #215759
      Tony (admin)

      If things get sluggish or non-responsive, it’s because the server is under attack right now. I’m working on it. Reduced the load down quite a bit but it is still high. Also found one of my emails was hacked (probably in the same attack). It sent out 62,000 spams before I stopped it. Yikes.

    • #215767
      Tony (admin)

      Welcome to Ute Hub. The attack is still happening. The sites IP address was blacklisted due to spam emails going out so I changed Ute Hub’s IP address to a different one this morning. It may cause some outages or weirdness for a day or two. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    • #215806

      What is the point of these attacks? Are they trying to steal money, or computer time, or ???

      • #215808
        Tony (admin)

        There are lots of reasons they attack. They might be trying to take over the server to use it as an attack vector. They might be trying to find usernames/passwords. Might be trying to find credit card info. This one inserted some malware into another domain I have. It also hacked one of my emails and sent out 127,000 spam emails.

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