Jerome Myles just decommitted from Ole Miss.

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    • #217675

      Ute Fan

      I guess he’s got it down to A&M, Utah and Michigan.

    • #217677

      Ute Fan

      Get ready Ute fans!!!! I think we’re about to get our 1st ever ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ commit!!!

      • #217678

        Ute Fan


      • #217680

        Ute Fan

        The decommit was the first step. Only-U Kanobi and others in the know. How we feeling about really doing this?

        • #217681

          Ute Fan

          Who is the lucky donor(s) that got the call to take care of Myles’ NIL?!! 5⭐️ money baby!!

          • #217685

            Ute Fan

            If the Zoobs ask, Ryan Smith was worried about losing Utah fans from supporting the Jazz and the hockey team. So he committed to taking care of TDS MBB and Utah Football with NIL

            • #217692

              Ute Fan

              I’d totally be ok with this. Though I love Utah BBall, I’m willing to sacrifice it for Utah FBall.

      • #217686

        D T
        Ute Fan

        To be fair, he’s a 5-star on 247Sports, but a .9165 rated 4-star on the 247 Composite.

        ELITE either way, but I’m partial to the Composite.

    • #217684

      Ute Fan

      Rub you rabbits foot, put on your rally cap, don’t change your lucky socks, put a horse shoe over your door frame. Whatever it takes to get good luck coming our way.

    • #217688

      Ute Fan

      Did he play with Wilson last season? I don’t remember him. I love his size and speed though!

      • #217690

        Rick Walker
        Ute Fan

        He played in week one, played most of week two but broke his ankle (or some similar injury, idk the details) in the second half against Bishop Gorman. Then he came back for the semifinal and state game. He was incredible in the games he did play in and should have an elite senior season with another 4 star at the helm for corner canyon

    • #217689

      Ute Fan

      his visit to michigan is not till late July.
      might be a while till he commits to anyone.

      • #217693

        Ute Fan

        Michigan would be way worse than Utah in terms of throwing downfield!

        • #217694

          Ute Fan

          tell that to jerome

          • #217702

            Ute Fan

            Tell him our record against Michigan.

            • #217704

              Ute Fan

              And Michigan’s reply to each of you.

              • #217708

                Ute Fan

                Well, there is that.

              • #217709

                The Miami Ute
                Ute Fan

                I formally predict on this website that Michigan will soon return to being the dumpster fire it was before Jim Harbaugh was hired. They made the same mistake that Washington made when Chris Petersen retired…hiring an assistant with zero HC experience to manage a Top 15 college football program.

                • #217710

                  Ute Fan

                  @Maimi – do you share similar sentiments on Scalley? If not, I would love to hear your reasoning.

                  Please do not take this as a troll. I am do like most of your posts.

                  • #217715

                    Ute Fan

                    I mean Whitt was an assistant with zero HC experience… Utah wasn’t top 15 as a program but was pretty good.

                    I think it does change the calculus a bit when it’s a guy who has been with the program so long and is expected to stick to it.

                  • #217721

                    2008 National Champ
                    Ute Fan

                    I’m not not @Miami but for every Dabo there’s 10 Jimmy Lake’s. We won’t know if Scalley can handle the job until he actually proves it.

                    If it were a given that someone who had been with the program for years will always improve upon the previous regime, no school would ever hire from outside.

                  • #217786

                    The Miami Ute
                    Ute Fan

                    I don’t share similar sentiments about Scalley for a few reasons. One, he’s a hometown guy and this is his dream job. There’s also no doubt in my mind that, if he wanted to, he could have left many years ago for greener pastures. Because he’s an alumnus AND a hometown guy AND has been passing up jobs out of loyalty and commitment to the school, the powers that be are also going to be more patient with thim than they would be with a rank outsider. Two, he’s more experienced, at this point in his career, than Lake and Moore are/were when they took over their jobs. Lastly, and this is the biggest reason, Scalley has a ton, a ton more rope that Lake or Moore did/have when they were hired. And the reason why is because Utah is not a football blue blood with sky high expectations. With all due respect to Utah football, no one is going to call for Scalley’s head if he has continual 9-4/8-5 seasons during his tenure. Go ahead and do that at Ann Arbor and see how long you have a job as the head football coach.

                    • #217787

                      Ute Fan

                      Scalley’s going to also have Whitt staying on in a consulting role to the program for a period of 9 years or something. So he’s pretty setup for success IMO.

    • #217713

      Ute Fan

      Scally is Whit 2.0. If Scally is smart he just keeps the train rolling with maybe a few tweeks here and there. But, the blueprint of being successful at Utah is there.

      • #217716

        Ute Fan

        The main question with Scalley is what does he do with the offense. Does he promote Harding or does he bring in someone from the outside.

        • #217718

          Ute Fan

          I think that Scalley will continue with the same defensive philosophy that Whitt uses. However, on offense – I think he will open it up more than Whitt. When he was the ST coordinator, they were bigger risk takers than before or since IMO.

          But, I don’t know anything. Just my opinion.

          • #217780

            Ute Fan

            Tweet from our new recruiting analyst: 5 locks, 5 sets of eyes, and a pic of Utah’s highest rated recruit of all-time…hmmm?? Could it mean that Myles’ commitment is coming anytime now?!

            • #217788

              Ute Fan

              And OnlyU could hold the 🔑🗝🔐 to all of this 👀

              • #217790

                Central Coast Ute
                Ute Fan

                OnlyU hinted at a big commit the other day. Even in this post he gave the eyeball emoji. It could mean he’ll commit soon, but others have stated that they think he’ll wait until later. I’m not sure why he’d wait since he could always just go somewhere else if he wanted to, so my guess is he’ll be committing soon.

    • #217964

      Ute Fan

      Bartle putting a hint out there…I choose to believe this is coming and I can’t wait for it!

      • #217965

        Ute Fan

        I’m pretty sure this guy is a very close relative to someone on the team – Logan/Spencer Fano IIRC. And, I’m probably reading too much into this X post, but, hey, it’s fun to speculate!!

      • #217970

        Ute Fan

        Sorry to be a debbie-downer, but that doesn’t mean anything. I do believe Utah is very high on his list, probably much higher than Ole Miss, Texas A&M, Michigan and BYU, yes BYU. BYU is also in the running for Myles and UofU is not the only school in Utah. In the end, I believe his love for Utah and the opportunity to play with his star QB from CC will win out in the end. Go UTES!!!

        • #217972

          Ute Fan

          Sorry man but just because BYU offered Myles and he has their logo on his recent graphic doesn’t mean anything. He has 24 schools who offered him scholarships listed on that graphic. He’s not seriously considering Nevada, San Jose St, Hawaii, Boise St, Utah St, or BYU…all schools on his graphic. Any in-state kid is going to list the other in-state programs to avoid the local backlash from fans. But there’s no chance in hell a 5 star kid is going to any of those schools.

          The schools that are seriously in the running for Myles are schools he’s taking official visits to. And these are all big-time enough to not only provide him the exposure that a kid on his level is after but also willing to pay him the going rate for his star rating…which is about $2M/annually. None of those schools are going to pay him that kind of money…and no BYU, even though they have that kind of money, have yet to show they’re willing to spend it on football yet. No, BYU isn’t in the running for Myles.

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Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Jerome Myles just decommitted from Ole Miss.