Arizona @  Utah

For those of you at the game

Beat Arizona Forums Utah Utes Sports Football For those of you at the game

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    • #224808

      How was the heat? Was it miserable or just uncomfortable?

    • #224812

      What was the fan interaction like too?

    • #224815

      was miserable weather.
      i had a fan yell to us that Cam Rising has a vagina, and joseph smith doesn’t like us.
      and two others yelled f*** Utah you got lucky!
      but then other OSU fans told them to shut up and the grow up.
      95% were great, great conversations and they offered us waters and beers.

      • #224817

        Lol Whatever .. he’s been called the greatest songbird of our generation

    • #224819

      The heat wasn’t a problem for me, but I focused on good hydration. Pretty comparable to the Baylor game. Maybe a bit warmer. I am sure some found it miserable. With the way the game played out I think the heat was an advantage to the Utes. It wasn’t the hostile place the internet makes it out be, but the heat may have contributed to that. The idea that Utah isn’t used to playing in the tough Big 12 stadiums is a joke. Overall all I would say not that loud.

      The OSU fans were great very welcoming and fun to talk to. Not anywhere close to arrogant and for the most part not confident before the game. Hardly anyone shouting at us that the Utes suck.

      • #224895

        I had similar thoughts and experiences as Simmons. Honestly Wazzu and Corvalis were much much more hostile than Boone Pickens. Utah had that same heat wave 2 weeks ago, and I think we were more used to it than the Oklahoma folks were. Overall though it was a great experience and was a great day to be a Ute.

    • #224829

      It was MISERABLE….. for the 1st-Half. However, there was a cool breeze periodically wafting through the stadium after the 2nd-Half started. So that wasn’t so bad.

    • #224851

      The heat was miserable even with drinking water and using sunscreen. The concourse was so much better than RES which made refilling water easy and there was plenty of space to hangout in the shade before the game started. The fans were all super nice and some of them even invited me to their tailgate which was really awesome! Everyone wanted to welcome you and help you out. The only bad fan was the guy in the truck after the game who saw that we were Utah fans and decided to blow diesel out the back at us 😂 Overall the fans were great, but the hottest game I’ve ever attended!

      • #224916

        I actually think Baylor last year helped us handle the heat better this year…plus we had more talent on the field.

        The breeze saved us in Stillwater. Waco was just ridiculously hot. Because of that I’d say Waco was a bit more miserable.

        Both were really hot though. Fans were welcoming and classy.

    • #224925

      It’s funny to see the differences in opinions here. I actually didn’t mind the weather. Was it hot? Absolutely, but I didn’t think it was much different from early season games here in SLC. My wife and I prepped with hydration, significant amount of water the day before and during the game. Also drank a gatorade just before walking into the stadium and my wife brought some liquid iv packets. We were literally in the sun until probably the final 2-3 mins of the game.
      As far as fan interactions went I was about 2 sections over from the designated Utah section, everyone was super pleasant. No name calling, just friendly banter. I’m always a pleasant one to be around anyways so if you aren’t an asshole to people they typically aren’t one back.
      Had people shaking my hand, thanking me for coming out, asking how I liked Stillwater, the stadium, etc.,
      I would definitely go back.

    • #224927

      On the talent level of each team. The only area that I saw where they shined was their linebackers. I think Barton is amazing and he had a great game, but their two dudes would be a welcomed addition to our team. The only thing that got in their way was their own defensive line being shoved back into them and hampering their pursuit angles. Other than that, there wasn’t a single position group that you could say was better than ours. Our O-Line and D-Line both played incredible games and our receivers balled out all game. They made some incredible catches which I think boosted Isaac’s confidence level tremendously.

      I was expecting a lot more from their vaunted O-Line but was unimpressed. I was expecting their WRs to be a lot better and they were not. They had some good plays by their DBs but they also got worked on many plays. All in all, I was expecting to see a much better team than what I saw on the field and I am OK with that. I did love how Gundy went nuts on a marginal non-call on a hold by Lomu shortly after his player didn’t get called for absolutely blowing up Money on a clear kneel down. It was classic Gundy!

      • #224934
        2008 National Champ

        In that same situation, who wouldn’t want their coach advocating for his team like he did? That play could have been a game changer if he’d convinced anyone to call it the other way

        • #224961

          I would advocate for coaching with class. The problem is HS and little league coaches watch to imitate, but at those levels it gets much more difficult to control. That act at HS is a joke but at little league it becomes so destructive. I feel the more you are paid you should have much more class that those that are paid little or volunteer. Advocating is not a substitute for composure.

          • #224969
            2008 National Champ

            that’s good to want to see coaching with class. can we expect you to call out Whitt the next time he’s foaming at the mouth or is that ok because he’s Utah’s coach and he’s supporting his team? I mean, all those HS and little league coaches surely can’t handle seeing Whitt yelling and gesturing at the refs because he didn’t like a call.,,

            • #224992

              I will call it out when Whitt acts up, it just doesn’t happen often at all. He disagrees, he questions, but I think he is a good example for the lower level coaches as to how to question but let the refs do their job. But this is just me, I dislike coaches and younger players repeating hissy fits they see on TV.

              However, to your point, I do think Gundy losing it very likely had something to do with getting he players fired up to play at the end of the game. I like Gundy a lot, it just wasn’t his best moment for me.

    • #224938

      Stadium was not as loud as I thought it would be. Although the student section seemed to be a bit more ravenous as compared to the MUSS (my opinion). This probably would have been different had they been leading the whole game instead of us. The fans I met are fully behind Gundy and love the traditions. Very much a pro USA/Country feel to the crowd.
      Concessions, water and restrooms were abundant and not crowded way better than RES. The second level for each of these makes a huge difference. RES is really terrible for this…just not enough space for people.
      Someone else mentioned “hang out” spaces before the game. I echo this statement, felt very comfortable and inviting to just hang out and enjoy the shade before going out to the furnace.
      It was hot at the game. Kudos to those who say it was not that bad. Sucks that it is 73 degrees there today and not a couple of days ago.
      Awesome huge screen in the East End zone was nice but from our angle it was hard to read all the time. Hard to see the play clock/yardage down information from our seats as well really not a good angle/distance from any of them.
      Fans were great around us and very friendly to talk to.
      Few drunks acting like morons (cussing saying nasty stuff) before and after the game as was mentioned above, but we have our own of those. This only happened a ways away from the stadium too and from our car.
      Overall I would go back. I had it pegged as the stadium I wanted to go to as soon as we joined the BIG12. It is now checked off my list so I would probably spend my money trying another venue in the future. Maybe WV or Kansas next year.
      Lastly I am a big College Wrestling fan….it was very cool that they brought out David Taylor giving him props on winning the US world team trials. Those that follow wrestling know what I am talking about.

      • #224946
        2008 National Champ

        Kansas is upgrading their stadium this year (no true home games) but I’m not sure the timeline for completion. If they do as good a job as Oregon State did with Reser, that could be a really good place to watch a game.

        Lawrence is kind of like Stillwater in that it is close enough to big cities (KC/Topeka) but you have to decide to stay elsewhere and drive an hour or so on game day or stay in the small college town with not a lot to do.

    • #224954
      Jim Vanderhoof

      Thanks everyone for the breakdowns. I wish I could have gone.

    • #224959

      I had a different experience, as soon as me and the fam got seated 12 or 13 OSU fans stood up and poured their beer on us!! Next thing we knew they were asking me how many wives I had and if we had tails. After the game leaving the stadium we were surrounded by at least 50 drunk OSU fans who started throwing punches, luckily most of them missed me but one landed on my wife, (who was wearing head to toe Ute gear), knocking out a tooth, she just shrugged it off and we marched on to the exit past all the OSU fans dressed up as missionaries and made out way safely out….

      J/K I was sitting a thousand miles away on a beach in Mexico watching the game on my phone. Sounds like the OSU fans were stellar, accommodating an nice. Hope the rest of the venues are similar and GO UTES!!!!!

    • #224960

      deleting, hit the submit twice, damn my old fingers!

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