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new coach

Beat Arizona Forums Utah Utes Sports Football new coach


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    • #226218
      2 8
      Utes 69

      time for Whitt and Ludwig to move on, we need to see some excitement on the field, some type of energy. some type of will to win. I see none of tat out of Whitt on the sidelines.

      everyone stop with the bad calls and the bad Refs. every year there is a big loss and let down, this starts at the top
      Utah need an energetic head coach and a new and upcoming OC with balls out play calling, 10 points is not going to cut it. 3rd and long Wilson went Singer several times, AZ was aware of that and shut it down. no innovation on play calling. no emotions on the sidelines, no points scored, the last two games Utes inside the twenty at least six time and came up empty. we have the zoobs down south rolling and Whitt standing on the sideline? pathetic loss again

    • #226219

      Still p**sed about Saturday. It’s not so much about the loss as it was about the lack of coaching and lack of energy the team had. whit is too predictable and complacent, he lacks the intensity and fire he once had. Legendary coach, he deserves however long he decides to stay, but it’s coming fast.

      • #226221
        2 1
        Ute Dub

        I’m going to disagree. Whit didn’t float the ball to Kuithe wide open over the middle. Whitt didn’t run the ball for less than 1 YPC Mike Mitchell. A couple plays hit in the first half and Utah has the momentum early. I will say though that Whitts demeanor carries to the team sometime and seems to bog them down mentally.

        • #226230

          no but he did choose to play the guy who did. whether his decision that a true freshman was still better than a slightly less than 100% 7th year senior was right is hard to say. I would expect that even if certain throws were not a great idea a game plan that masked that was something a coaching staff could have come up with

    • #226222

      I’m glad we have such perfect people posting meaningful content on this board. Whit sucks, Ludwig sucks, We suck…. Why? because we lost a game. Fire everyone for sure!! That will definitely mean we won’t ever lose another game in the future. Total BS!

      • #226223

        An emotional over reaction for sure. It’s just a wake up call. We still have a champion to win.

    • #226225
      Utes 69

      big 12 championship not going to happen

      • #226227

        I still like our chances.

    • #226226
      Utes 69

      big 12 championship not going to happen

    • #226228
      2 1

      Breaking news, The University of Utah has fired Coach Whittingham and Offensive coordinator Andy Ludwig following Saturday’s home loss to Arizona. Even though Utah was without their star quarterback Cam Rising who dislocated a finger and had a laceration on a finger on his throwing hand during the Baylor game three weeks ago. A few fans felt that even though Whittingham has led the team for twenty years, from the Mtn. West to the Pac 12, and now the Big 12 winning multiple conference championships and turning the team into a nationally respected program, beating school rival BYU year in and year out, it was time for him to go. They felt that because Cam Rising was seen smiling during a loss that Coach Whittingham has lost control over the program.
      Seems real logical. At the beginning of the year was not Arizona one of the games we were concerned with? They are a decent team, had a bye to get ready for us and we sucked on Saturday. The players sucked and coaches sucked, and the refs sucked. Whit will leave us at some point, and then we will most likely realize how fortunate we were to have him around, and Ludwig aside from the occasional turd, is one of the most respected OC’s in the country. Turned down the Notre Dame job to stay here. The early Pac 12 years of a new OC every year seriously sucked, and we are lucky to have such consistency in our program. So I disagree with the let’s move on from Whit take.

      • #226235

        Everyone loses it eventually. Doesn’t matter what your resume says when the time comes that you’re no longer cut out to do those things anymore. Even Saban was slipping, and well… he made the hard but correct choice.

    • #226229

      Be careful what you wish for. How many teams fire their coach and then mire in mediocrity or worse for years? Even the blue bloods have experience that. Many fans would trade their last 20 years for our last 20 years. I have a coworker who is a Nebraska fan. They are at the point where a 6 or 7 win season and a bowl game is a huge success. I’ll take Whitt and what he has done over just about any other coach in the country. The loss on Saturday sucked but Utah is still 4-1 and has the championship to play for.

      • #226237

        It’s possible but I think good programs that permanently tank like nebraska are an outlier. It’s really more like when you lose a shining star of a coach in their best years you won’t reach those heights again for a long while. As opposed to not being able to compete at all when you lose your coach. Zona just smacked our legendary coach in the mouth two years in a row with two different dudes. Whitt’s never really been a “shining star”, he’s really more a picture of consistency. Think of it this way. Whitt couldn’t have ignited our program like Meyer did, and Meyer couldn’t have kept the coals burning like Whitt has. We needed both. Now that Whitt’s getting a little tired on the bellows, it’s time to look for someone who can crank the heat up a little again.

        I don’t think many coaches (if any) could’ve done what he did in terms of growing the program but in the sense of putting the best football team on the field each week, he was never in the top echelon. And he’s lost a step from there. Hell, last time we played BYU Sitake schooled his ass and Sitake’s pretty meh. All of CFB, including this board, left that game saying “Utah just got outcoached”, it was this EXACT same discourse.

    • #226231

      They are what they are.

      They can be as frustrating for the fans as for the opponents because they just do what they do and it isn’t going to change.

    • #226232
      Tony (admin)

      By the time the season is over, how many teams in the country will be undefeated? Zero? One or two? That’s some pretty high expectations.

    • #226238
      Rick Walker

      Whitt’s biggest problem in recent years, to me, has been the inability to put away teams we’re supposed to. We show up and play great when it matters most (Oregon 2021, USC, Rose bowls) but when there’s a game that should be a comfortable win we always let other team stay in it, which is problematic when you’re playing a team worse than you but still super talented and explosive like Arizona, I’ll be honest it makes me nervous for the Colorado game later this year if we don’t figure out our offense because we need to be able to win shootouts.

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