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Cam Rising seen in Splint yesterday signing autographs

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Cam Rising seen in Splint yesterday signing autographs


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    • #226735

      Cam Rising was seen yesterday signing autographs wearing a splint on two fingers. I’m no doctor, but if it truly was just a ‘laceration’ why would he need to wear a splint?

    • #226736
      14 1

      Here is my gripe with this whole situation. If the injury is actually bad, then the blame for this IMO lies with Whit. Whit has downplayed the injury, which leads most observers to assume that Cam is a pussy and has no heart or desire to play.

      Whit has the notion that there is strategic advantage to downplaying the injury because then other teams need to prepare for two QBs. But what has instead happened is many fans (and perhaps teammates) have taken Whit at his word (that the injury is not a big deal) and then assumed Cam is a baby for not playing. The strategic advantage of downplaying the injury (I question whether there really is one) is not worth the downside here. If I was Cam, I would be p**sed that I am essentially being thrown to the wolves, made to look like I can’t play through a small laceration.

      • #226738

        This^ has been and will continue to be my position on this going back to 2023 till now.

        Everyone is toeing Whitt’s company line to their own peril.

      • #226742

        Especially in this age of toxic social media, there’s so many fans who are keyboard doctors and judges of character/intent. And then the players have a old school coach with a very hardline rule on injuries. So they can’t defend themselves. Whitt said yesterday “I’m not on social media. So I don’t know anything about this backlash to Cam.” 1. I don’t believe that 2. If somehow that’s true, he needs to accept the reality and time we live in. Because it is unfair to the athletes.

      • #226788

        Same exact comments as last year and no true improvement. Whitt fails to field a serious backup with all the time in the world to do so. Two years in a row. There’s probably no other program in the land that wouldn’t have their head coach in the hot seat for this. YOU. CAN’T. HAVE. NO. QUARTERBACK. IN. FOOTBALL. There is no greater positional f**kup in this sport

        This extremely uncontroversial and obvious fact is either eluding Whitt’s ability to recognize it or ability remedy it and it doesn’t matter which because both are pathetic.

    • #226740
      Jim Vanderhoof

      The problem with not disclosing the severity of an injury leads everyone to believe the best case scenario. Why not just disclose what the injury is and we can understand why he isn’t playing. This gamesmanship doesn’t fly anymore. I’m sure there is leaks in the locker room and opposing teams seem to know more than we do. Not that anyone cares about the fans but us. I’m sure Cam is feeling the heat and would like to let everyone know the truth so he doesn’t have to hear the noise.

      It’s time for college football to adopt the NFL plan on reporting injuries. The players are getting paid and gambling is a big part of college football popularity. Do something for the fans for once.

    • #226743
      1 1

      Laceration and dislocation- is one of the things I heard weeks ago. Anyone dislocated a finger?- hurts like a b!t(h. Can Take weeks for swelling to go down- who knows except cam and Whitt and doctors. Again, we can all speculate his status and recovery time- it would be beneficial to fans who pay and support this program to know wtf is going on

    • #226744

      lurker and hand therapist here… two dorsal blocking splints with PIP in flexion could be a myriad of injuries but all of them have a long recovery and can be huge buggers. dislocations are complicated at those joints and could have involvement of some extensor tendon structures. they can be very painful and difficult manage especially if he’s been trying to throw this whole time. there are some splinting options if its a dislocation without any tendon involvement that could allow him to get back on the field quicker but honestly with those I’d put the brakes on expectations even if he does come back.

      • #226747
        Charlie Foxtrot

        This is why some form of transparency to the fan base would go a long way in setting realistic expectations for the remainder of this season. If Cam can’t play, then he can’t simple as that. Then we know Wilson is our guy and we are going to get freshman mistakes to go along with all of the upside that he brings to the table.

        Having Cam dressed on the sideline last week probably did little to Arizona’s defensive plans. It did however, set the potential expectation that if the 1st half didn’t go so well on offense that maybe Cam could give it a go in the second half. With the injury being maybe more severe than was let on, that wasn’t going to happen.

        I still would have been disappointed in the offense outcome of the game and the loss, but I would have been a lot more understanding knowing that Wilson or maybe Rose were our only true options for the game, and maybe even for the next several games of the season.

      • #226768

        I put this on during a break so maybe more doomy than I meant; to be fair there are a few more minor things it could be as well. If he did have only a deep laceration in a volar crease the therapist could have them in flexion to help healing. I’ve certainly done that before, I’ve seen heavy scabbing in some wounds last for 6+ weeks. Usually when I make those splints though, its for a dislocation with some level of instability; volar plate sprain or tendon disruption.

        Lets say it was a dislocation – he could be fully stable at 30 degrees of flexion to full flexion and could be released by his provider to play with splints protecting him from extending fully. but he would still have some level of swelling and pain. If this was the case I would not expect him to feel 100%

    • #226745
      D T

      From what I’ve heard, that indicates a dislocation, which generally requires 4-6 weeks to heal…..Our game next week would be at the 5-week mark.

    • #226746
      9 7
      The Miami Ute

      So, all of this speculation means that Wilson will be QB1 for the foreseeable future. If that’s the case, we might be 4-4 by the time we play BYU and p**sed away another season because of a failure to manage the QB room in an adequate manner.

      • #226770

        This is an overreaction imo. The only team that can realistically beat us is TCU, but they let SMU score like 66 on them. The same SMU that barely beat Nevada and scored like 15 points on BYU.

        We get a bye week to heal up and prepare for ASU. They have to play Kansas this week.

        Houston is REALLY bad. We are not losing to them lol.

        If he doesn’t come back until Houston or BYU, we could definitely have a second loss and we likely wouldn’t control our own destiny at that point.

        • #226777
          The Miami Ute

          The only team that can realistically beat us is TCU

          Are you for real or just trolling? Did you or did you not see Arizona completely own the Utes last Saturday night at the RES? No disrespect, but your comment is an example of the type of arrogance that a certain subset of the fanbase displays. As far as I’m concerned, any opponent can beat you…they all have a vote in that result and, if you play like crap, it happens more often than not.

          As I’ve said a few times already…there’s a “book” on Wilson and how to play him. Arizona’s defense coming into the game last Saturday was a dumpster fire and, somehow, they looked like the 85 Bears. Unless Ludwig and Wilson do a Vulcan mind-meld and introduce a number of innovations to the gameplan, you can expect more of the same going forwards. And I guarantee you that ASU is most definitely not going to be a walk in the park. They’ve already beaten Mississipi State and would be undefeated but for a close loss away to Tech. You have to take them extremely seriously, especially since Dillingham is an offensive mastermind and he’s going to take a special interest in what Arizona did to Utah.

    • #226748
      2 8

      He had surgery on it. Doubt we see him again.

      • #226749
        D T

        Where do you see he had surgery on it?

        • #226750
          1 2
          The Miami Ute

          It’s conjecture based on the hardware he’s got on his fingers.

          • #226757
            D T

            So he’s a doctor now? That’s how his comment came across.

            • #226758

              Physical therapist and “myriad.” We will all find out October 11th.

              • #226759
                D T


                • #226761

                  I was agreeing with you. Saying the physical therapist said “myriad” of things. No one on here knows. And we will all find out together.

    • #226751

      You guys are forgetting that he’s been cleared by doctors to play.

      • #226753
        The Miami Ute

        That’s the weird thing. From what I’ve read, he’s been medically cleared to play since before the OK ST game. So, he can play but hasn’t because he’s not able to get any zip on the ball.

      • #226766
        Tony (admin)

        Yeah but a player can be cleared to play with a giant cast on his hand.

    • #226754

      Adding to Gatorade finger mania. Is it possible the laceration may have actually been an open dislocation? I did not pay much attention to the aftermath replay during the game other than shaking his hand running off the field. As mentioned on the board, QB room management’s been less than desirable for many years compounding the situation. Even if he returns at full strength, its a big ask expecting him to play at a level to run the table considering how much football he’s missed. Looking forward to Wilson’s future as Utah’s QB. Huge CR fan, was looking forward to see him have a great final season at Utah.

    • #226755
      The Miami Ute

      • #226760

        My expectations just lowered to a 8-4 season

    • #226767

      Wait, “injury to index finger if throwing hand.” Splint and bandage is on middle and ring finger.

      • #226769
        Tony (admin)

        I never heard or saw “index finger.” It was always the middle finger(s).

        • #226778

          I’ve heard Scott Mitchell on 700 talk a few times about how the index finger isn’t all that important to spinning the ball and figured he knew which finger was injured.

      • #226772

        My info was index finger and I shared in a post here. My info was wrong.

    • #226773
      Tony (admin)

      Honestly… my lowered expectations have been lowered more. Too bad but GO UTES. Next fan up.

      • #226781
        The Miami Ute

        Honestly, and it pains me to say it, I’ll be happy when Cam Rising is no longer wearing a Utah uniform. I’ve been following football for 50 years and in all of that time I’ve never been exposed to a situation as surreal as how Utah manages its QB room.

        • #226785

          It really has taken the fun out of the game for me with my expectation being trampled over and over again.

    • #226776

      Why wasn’t he wearing these braces during the game on Saturday. He just had tape on them. Also if he had a more serious injury I doubt doctors would have cleared him to play so soon after.

      • #226783

        Being cleared to play and throwing the ball effectively are two different things.

        You think the doctors are opining on Cam’s velocity and spin rate?

        Stop fixating on doctor clearance as if it’s the end all, be all. It isn’t in this case.

        We have been literally armchair quarterbacking Cam Rising like we are capable of throwing a football to tight windows minus full function of two fingers on a throwing hand. Seriously, what the hell do we even begin to know about this matter. Nothing.

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