TCU @  Utah

Team Chemistry

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    • #228013
      5 1

      This team, for whatever reason, lacks chemistry. However that is just part of the problem.

      I’m a Whit apologist and I’ve never back away from being such. But tonight (all year), we saw:

      A safety who after 5 games still hasn’t learned to tackle. Seriously dude, you have two arms, use them. A 180 lb safety hitting a 220 RB is NOT going to cause him to go down.
      A LB room who still doesn’t know how to make reads.
      DEs who over pursue almost every play.
      A QB who had no right to even making the trip to Arizona let alone play.
      Consistently bad play calling once we got into the red zone.
      A TE who was out all of last year who struggles to make good blocks.
      A team who doesn’t play hungry at all.
      A LB who was a stud two years ago who quite literally does a lot of standing around.

      If it weren’t for Snowden on D and Bernard\Singer on O, we would really, really suck.

      I really believe once Whit leaves, we will suck. But as of this season, i’m starting to think he’s hit his high mark. I hope like hell I’m wrong.

      Finally, I love Cam, love what he’s brought to the program, love what he’s done for us. But he should\needs to be done. Let Wilson finish the season and let’s built for next year. Cam can still play 2nd string – if he ever gets healthy.

      Flame on!

    • #228031
      Tony (admin)

      Nothing to flame.

    • #228037

      it’s not the DEscwho are over pursuing. at least not consistently. Van is much improved this area.

      this was the linebackers over pursuing,

      • #228108
        2008 National Champ

        Fano is struggling with losing contain. I think Barton got blamed for a couple of his because the numbers look so similar. That 12 yard run by Leavitt to the left side in the first half was all on Fano taking too direct an angle to the QB.

    • #228056

      They’re frustrated. The team atmosphere is hosed. This team is capable of a lot more than what’s being shown on the field, I have zero doubt of that.

    • #228061
      The Miami Ute

      Absolutely nothing to flame.

      It’s nothing that quite a few people here haven’t been saying for a while. The difference is that now, people that are die-hard Whitt loyalists are saying it.

      This team has a lot of problems and, to me, it almost feels as if the staff/team is living off the period from 2018-2022. It’s really starting to get an “end of an era” feel to it.

      Will the team suck once Whitt leaves? Whitt wouldn’t be the first coach whose career ends up in a downward trend. I remember that, even in MIami having the winningest coach in NFL history, Shula was shown the door at the end, given the option to retire or be fired. It could very well be that the team will suck even with Whitt here. I mean, based on what I’ve seen the last two games and the dynamics within the team, this could easily end up as a 5-7/6-6 year.

      • #228068

        The consecutive bowl losses really make you wonder. Penn State and Northwestern are particularly discouraging.

        I say all of the time that Utah needs to get into the Big10. But damn even in a bowl game all those teams had to do was downshift once before coasting to a win. How do we think regular season will be?

        • #228114
          The Miami Ute

          I went to the Las Vegas Bowl and that was the first time that I started hearing the natives getting restless. The offensive display in that game was just that, offensive. It’s one thing to be bad but it’s quite another to be bad AND boring. You combine the two and you start getting apathy and disinterest since, at the end of the day, all sports are is a form of entertainment.

    • #228071

      What’s left for the season. There is no championship. There isn’t. Throw out all that positive talk and face facts right in the face. This team can’t and won’t run the table. No way.
      Cam is broken. He’s done. Thank him graciously. Tell him he’s medically done and just let him collect his check, by the way there’s some resentment in the locker room about his salary.
      We are in the position and have been for years by not developing back up QBs. This season is over. It’s done. Move on. Develop Isaac. See what Huard has. Play rose. Any player on the team could have produced the same results cam produced last night with his feeble body.

      It looks to me that it’s not just his hand. I know his ankle got rolled last night and it hurt. I believe his shoulder is also jacked up. I’ve wrecked a shoulder during college baseball. I’ve torn a labrum. I’ve torn an AC joint, I’ve torn my bicep. After these injuries I lost velocity I never got back. I lost a lot of distance. Cam has no velocity. No accuracy, he definitely has no deep ball. He’s done. He’s broke. He’s finished. Tell him he’s out already. Quit the gamesmanship. Quit the positive spin. Quit the excuses. He’s done. Let him go. Move on.

      • #228083

        Coordinators licking their chops for more Utah Ohffense.

        • #228111
          The Miami Ute

          That’s what usually happens when you have a QB that moves like he’s carrying a piano on his back.

    • #228105
      2008 National Champ

      Scalley’s D is missing two very important elements that he relies on almost to a fault. He doesn’t have an eraser at ILB in the mold of Lloyd, C. Barton, Bernard or Hansen (-on?). Reid is a step up from what we saw last night but he is not that caliber.

      He also doesn’t have a safety who can play in the box or at the LOS. Ritchie looked like he could be that kind of guy in 2020 but hasn’t approached even a poor man’s Cole Bishop since. Hall might have been able to but is now trying to learn LB on the fly.

      You can’t run effective blitz packages with just your D Lineman and LB’s are routinely making first contact after a 3 yard gain. He’s being forced into a bend don’t break style and I don’t think he knows how to call it after a decade of attack, attack, attack. The late calls from the sideline is just micromanaging which can work for awhile but eventually leads to paralysis by analysis. If waiting until the ball is snapped to call your final signal was a gamechanger other DC’s would have copied it by now. Instead, they seem to be doing just fine getting their signals in early enough for everyone to get set and read their keys.

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