Me? say stuff just to say stuff? couldn’t happen
If we hear Rising has entered the portal, that to me would be an indicator that he thinks he can still play and would be healthy in time for spring ball. My guess based on Rising wearing a boot and using the push cart thingy to get around at the next game is that it was ligament damage but at the Ankle this time which may have a quicker recovery. I tore my Ankle ligaments playing pickup basketball in November, didn’t have surgery, and the scar tissue broke by the following March so that’s my anecdotal assessment.
He’s almost 2 months post injury and should be at least a month post-op but may be waiting to announce his decision until he gets his medical waiver, assuming he applied. I am of the opinion that Whitt already knows his decision and it’s to stay but doesn’t want the news public to scare off any portal QB’s.
Until I hear otherwise, I am assuming Rising will be on the team in 2025.