Utah @  UCF

Repeat Post

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    • #23798
      Milton Vanderslice

      I get a repost error when I post a response that I’ve posted before. For example. I posted a response with the word “false” before and now I can’t post the same response. I’ve ran into this before where I couldn’t repost something like “Beat Oregon” another time. I was able to get around this by posting “false .” then editing the post to read “false”.

    • #23800
      Tony (admin)

      Yeah there’s a little safety thing I put in to prevent users from double posting.  It will warn you if the post is a duplicate.  I can probably tweak it but in the mean time, just don’t post the same response…   

      • #23803
        Minnesota Ute

        You can say that again… or wait… no you can’t.

        • #23805
          Milton Vanderslice

          You can say that again… or wait… no you can’t.

          • #23810
            Tony (admin)

            You can say that again, if you didn’t say it already.  The reason is people would hit submit, then refresh or hit the back key.  Then we would have lots of double posts.  It sucked.  I’ll see if I can make the process a little better.

            • #23821
              Milton Vanderslice

              I would propose doing a check on the id of the reply or if it’s a new post doing a time check.

              • #23886
                Tony (admin)

                I would propose doing a check on the id of the reply or if it’s a new post doing a time check.

                Yes exactly. I had started that process a week or two ago, but got sidetracked with finishing off the Predict the Score contest.

                • #23897
                  Milton Vanderslice

                  The other stuff is way more important.  Please don’t let this stop that sort of work.

                  • #23901
                    Tony (admin)

                    Pretty much done with that stuff for now. Actually last night I was jonesing for something new to work on hehe.

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