I wouldn’t be surprised to see the team do better immediately. If one of our assistant coaches can at least develop a substitution pattern that makes some kind of sense, we will be a better team on the road. Whoever the interim guy is, if they play Keller at all, they should be fired immediately. If we are down to 4 healthy guys plus Keller, sit Keller or just forfeit the game. He should not be playing. Also, pick Erickson or Little, DO NOT play both in the same game unless one of them gets injured.
IMO, our rotation should be: Mike, Gabe, Whalin, Ausar, Lovering, Dawes, Little, Lohner (and only play lohner if we can’t get away with going small when Lovering isn’t in). Erickson can play if Little is crapping the bed big time.