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are term limits the answer? This group thinks so

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    • #31022
    • #31041


      Hmmm – Let me state first off that I am an independent voter.  It makes me stop, listen and exercise my franchise accordingly.


       I personally feel that there should be term limits for ALL elected officials but especially for our House of Representatives and Senators.  Our forefathers never intended that there should be “career” politicians.  This phenomenon has evolved over the course of history where power brokers have seen the benefit of having “someone” in their pocket to bend and twist laws to the brokers advantage. 


      Along the way, the career politicians have set themselves up, feathered their nest if you will, so that pensions are available per the following manner.  Note that Congress does pay into the Social Security System



      “CRS, June 13: Members of Congress are eligible for a pension at the age of 62 if they have completed at least five years of service. Members are eligible for a pension at age 50 if they have completed 20 years of service, or at any age after completing 25 years of service. The amount of the pension depends on years of service and the average of the highest three years of salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member’s retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary.”


      So, the House would have to be re-elected 3 time in order to collect a pension, a Senator just once.  Here is my question.  The majority of us have 401k’s and IRA’s and other investment instruments for our retirement.  Those instruments are heavily influenced by “the market” and thus we all hold our breath when the market “adjusts”.  Remember 2008?


      Let me ask a simple question – What would happen if our career politicians had the same retirement vehicles that we have and they had to pay into that like we do – not a pension to draw from?  Do you think they would keep the eye on the ball of our financial systems and the debt our country has as a whole?


       Health Care




      “How their health care plan works


      Members of Congress participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program along with about 8 million federal workers, retirees and their dependents. They are subject to the same rules and receive the same coverage. Compared with health plans offered by private employers, the FEHBP offers more choices — in fact, “the widest selection of health plans in the country,” according to the Office of Personnel Management.


      Congress members are also eligible for Medicare, and pay the same 1.45 percent tax on their salary as do other workers.


      A few extras


      Congress members do receive some medical benefits beyond those available to regular federal workers.


      For an annual payment of $503, members can receive routine care from the Office of the Attending Physician, which has facilities in the Capitol. ABC News reported last year that these services include physicals and other examinations, on-site X-rays and lab work, physical therapy and referrals to medical specialists.


      In addition, current members (but not their dependents) can receive medical and emergency dental care at military hospitals and clinics. Inpatient care is covered by FEHBP insurance, but outpatient care is free if it’s performed at facilities in the national capital region, such as Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland or Walter Reed Army Medical Center in the District of Columbia.


      This benefit is likely the source of persistent online rumors that all medical care is free for Congress members.”


      With that let me ask another question.  This is the burning down the house question that is so partisan that we have “alternative facts” and “fake news” and “very, very bad” news for all of us nonmembers of Congress.  Here is an idea – Why don’t we have Congress have the exact same health coverage that majority of us do?  With the exact same deductibles and the exact same choices we have to make?


      Going back to an earlier state.  Our forefathers never intended that there should be “career” politicians.  I do think it is time for a 28th Amendment to the Constitution that provides term limits and goes further.  Congress should have to live with the exact same retirement and health care benefits that their constitutes have to live with.  I believe that would take care of a lot of the issues our country faces today. 


      One last thought – Our forefathers never intended for this country to have an elite ruling class.  Over the course of time unfortunately We the People have allowed exactly that to happen.


    • #31043

      Why don’t we have Congress have the exact same health coverage that majority of us do? With the exact same deductibles and the exact same choices we have to make?

      Pretty sure Congress got pushed onto the exchanges under ACA, just like everyone else.

      What they do after it’s repealed, however, is another story.

    • #31111
      Red Don

      Orrin Hatch believes in term limits, or at least he did when he first ran 100 years ago.

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