I don’t know LA or Rocker so don’t know what to expect from them. ExecUtetioner has helped them get it running and he’s a good dude. He helped me get some UteHub email issues improved in the early days here.
Poring over that codebase is like digital archeology. Almost 20 year old PHP code which is dependent on a lot of deprecated features was suddenly migrated to a server with a much newer version of PHP without any preparation. The broken functions are being slowly patched and shimmed.
Yeah that’s going to take a while to weed out all the deprecated functions and libraries. I BM’d you over there to change my username to one that identifies me as UteHub admin. Think it makes sense.
I just made an attempt to use the admin tool to change your board name ot UteHubAdmin, I hear it is buggy however. Please try and report. I can manually fix if needed.
Stand by…. Ok didn’t work. Had to use old name, but my old icon appeared. Yeah when you have extra time. I’m guessing you probably have to manually edit it in the db… bla. While you’re in there if you could replace my old byusucks.net icon with my ute hub admin icon that would be great.
Oh gawd. I hope not. I’m still tired out from defending that place. Now I’ll have to take up the mantle over there….I guess I could just copy my posts from here over there and switch the names around.