It will take more than Moss. Beginning to think Troy Taylor’s system is too complicated for Huntley and the 27 recievers rotated in and out every play. To add, when a pass hits a receiver it’s a crap shoot if anybody will catch it.
You would think Utah’s defense would of battle tested the offense during the off season preparation/training. The offensive problems are very concerning issues that aren’t going to be fixed in two weeks. Receivers who can’t catch and a QB unable to run the offense is a big problem.
Stanford is legit, It will be a grinder. Utah won’t be able to score the 20 points needed to beat the tree.
P12 will be won by Colorado or USC.
Utah losses. Of course, hope I’m wrong on all of this. + or – a win loss, this record fits the historical record of Utah since being in P12 (28-35 P12 record). Utes won 3 games in the p12 last year. Going with trend considering the offense is worse than last year.
Losses: WSU, USC, Stanford, Colorado. Oregon, ASU (Swing game-possible WTF loss)
Wins: Arizona, UCLA (ASU swing game)