Someone used Jim Mora as an example of firing a good coach to hire Chip Kelly. I never liked the hiring of Kelly but firing Mora was a great decision. His defensive philosophy was bad. Not as bad as Whitts attitude towards the offense has been but not far off. Utah is trending towards the very bottom in offense this season though.
Maybe, except bowl games. WVU, for example, is pretty formidable.
They’ve played Michigan well.
Utes have played some FCS teams, but they’ve been top-shelf FCS teams. That said, I’d rather see non-conf games set against good G5 teams in the Utes’ recruiting areas (Cal and Texas) in place of the odd FCS game or random G5 game — good thing they signed-up for NIU instead of North Texas this year, however. And of course the Utes are stuck playing TDS every fricking year.