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War Party U is back…

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football War Party U is back…

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    • #73922
      War Party U

      Hi Everyone!

      We’re back with a couple of new episodes for you. Due to the heartbreaking tragedy on campus this week, Ryan Boyce of WPU put together a brief tribute to Lauren McClusky. It touches on nerves that we’ve all felt, and sentiments that we can all relate to. Even if you’ve never listened, or if you have and think we totally suck, take a few minutes and give it a listen.

      Lauren McClusky

      Last weekend, we tagged along wiht the Utah Pig Bus crew for the annual pig roast. What a day! Join us for that as well as our usual half-assed game analysis, a quick preview of UCLA, and shenanigans. 

      S1 E9 Utes Curbstomp USC

      You can click the link or find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts, etc. etc. etc.


      Thanks and as always…GO UTES

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