THANKS to all who have donated so far. WOW!

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Misc THANKS to all who have donated so far. WOW!

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    • #79917
      Tony (admin)

      I’m humbled and thankful for the support recieved for the first ever fundraiser here at Ute Hub. In barely over 12 hours the goal was not only reached, but surpassed! I’ll be picking up a new iOS device probably on black friday, which will be used for testing the new version of the Ute Hub app! I will keep the fundraiser open and any additional funds beyond the new iPad will be used for hosting fees, apple/google developer account fees ($125/year), and other needs which may arise.

      I must admit I’m not comfortable asking for donations, and I’ve shouldered all costs for the site since it opened over THREE years ago! The ultimate goal is for the site to support itself somehow (ads, donations etc) and I’ll put in the elbow grease in designing, coding, maintaining, building new features, making the app and such.

      Thanks again to all of you who donated.  I know who you are.  🙂  And thanks to all for participating!

      GO UTES!


    • #79919
      Warrior Ute

      I think our donations are thanks to you for creating such a great online community!

      • #79948
        Gary Sapp

        I second Warrior Ute’s thoughts. Good to have additional places we can go and share our Uteness.

    • #79982

      THANK YOU for everything.

    • #80068

      Ya, Tony, I mean, come on. What did you expect?
      This is our first opportunity to contribute something to the board. The first time you’ve even given us a CHANCE to make contributions, if I remember correctly. Wait – I do remember one thing, but you opened the window for like 2 minutes and then closed it again when someone donated.
      We finally can show our appreciation for all you’ve done here.
      You’re a stud.
      Deal with it.

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