Utah @  Oklahoma State

Is it just me, or…

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    • #8766

      is traffic really starting to pick up on this site?

      (Yes, I’m here. Haven’t logged in as much as I should lately, but I’m here.)

    • #8767
      Wilson’s Mustache

      I hope so. I really want to see the site take off.

      • #8772

        I like the new front page view. It is great on mobile devices.  My only complaint is how it aligns replies so you have to still go into the post to see where they go.

        • #8774
          Tony (admin)

          You can help make the traffic improve by doing just what you did…. POSTING!!

          Ironically some post on other sites to complain about the traffic here, but could help build it by spending the same energy posting here.

          Hey Beehive what device are you on and can you send me a screen shot? Maybe I can look into it. The reply format should be good on most mobiles now. Maybe clear your cache.

          • #8775

            iPhone 6 using Chrome.

            Yeah I screenshot my other post I replied to the second person in the thread but it puts it on the bottom.

            • #8780
              Tony (admin)

              Here’s what my “virtual” iphone6 development version of the threaded view looks like below. I don’t have an actual iphone 6 to test on this this is what I’m basing my iphone checks on.
              Utah Utes

              • #8781
                Tony (admin)

                Here’s what a thread on the home page REALLY looks like on my Samsung Galaxy S5.

                GO UTES

    • #8782

      Someone posted here that the “other site” is successful because the style mimics Twitter allowing posters to make headling posts, snarky comments, without any intention of a discussion. I don’t have a Twitter account. I don’t have time or the interest to “follow” people on their Twitter accounts. Very few people are that important.

      The other negative about that site is the Star popularity rankings. Who cares? Show me a poster with a bunch of red stars and I’ll show you a poster with a lot of time on his hands.

      I enjoy an occasional discussion on Utah Athletics with knowledgeable fans. I could care less about BYU. I like this site and the level of posting activity does not bother me. I am not measured by the number of people who follow my posting.

    • #8785

      the more we post the more attractive it will be to new users. Ive been pretty busy lately but im trying to post more. Need to build up the traffic before the May-June-July dead period

    • #8815
      Tony (admin)

      You guys are lighting it up. This is great. I was away from the computer for a while and it was nice to see so many new topics.

      Many many people are lukers and sometimes reply. Those folks will almost never start a thread. But some will respond.

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