You know, I actually think this is more likely than we’d all think. Looking at it logically, Utah was okay with trying to bring RichRod in as an OC, and the allegations against him were way worse than those against Meyer. So right away, the controversy doesn’t seem like it would be an issue, at least with the program, can’t speak for all of the fans. Then, as @UteThunder mentioned, it’s a lot calmer here. He’s got his 3 Natty’s already, plus multiple coach of the year awards, so not really much more he can accomplish as a coach. I imagine he’s not hard up for cash, and Utah would probably offer him as much as they possibly could anyway. He ‘s got people here that love him. He’s coming into a stable team with a fanbase that has mostly reasonable expectations. It’s a job with the potential for glory, but not yearly Natty expectations. I dunno, doesn’t seem unreasonable to me, especially with the problems he’s had with stress. Won’t happen, but doesn’t seem crazy to me.