Utah @  Big 12

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  • bopahull replied to the topic RPO Blocking Schemes in the forum Football 21 days ago

    I don’t care what scheme we run as long as it works. I hope I can’t sit in my seat at the stadium and tell what the next play is by which players are on the field and where they lineup. I hope Beck mixes things up enough that we stop being so damn predictable.

  • Kansas never led in the game while Utah had bright spots. To begin the year if I could see two wins I would have picked the Y and Kansas who was #1 for the first month of the season. Sadly, if we just had Carlson or a 5 that can score we would be just fine this year. Thankfully, we were treated to a very entertaining game tonight. Lovering was…[Read more]

  • Speaking of Lovering, how is it possible to be that bad at free throws? He looks like he’s never actually shot one before when he’s at the line. Does Smith just not care and make Lovering or the team practice them?

  • Lovering made life hard for Dickinson. Good team win!

  • Title says it all. Had a few 10+ point leads in both halves, but Kansas never gave up and tied the game several times. Nice upset win for Men’s basketball.

    Also, congrats to Gabe Madsen on being the Utes all-time leaders in 3 Point makes.

  • 2008 National Champ replied to the topic RPO Blocking Schemes in the forum Football 21 days ago

    Cool. Then I look forward to all of these new plays Beck has in his arsenal that no other offensive coordinator in the history of football has thought of before.

  • chinngiskhaan replied to the topic RPO Blocking Schemes in the forum Football 21 days ago

    A playbook with some of the same plays does not make it the same playbook.

  • Charlie replied to the topic Spring football game tickets in the forum Football 21 days ago

    Will the game be televised? Somewhere anyone can access?

  • 2008 National Champ replied to the topic RPO Blocking Schemes in the forum Football 21 days ago

    Why do you think Beck will have a different playbooK? Ludwig claimed to have over 1,000 plays in his book. And with the availability of film on every team, I don’t really think that there is a whole lot of “new” to be found.

    I’m of the opinion that all coordinators are drawing from the same well. Each coordinator has different ways of dressing…[Read more]

  • Paul became a registered member 21 days ago

  • AlohaUte replied to the topic RPO Blocking Schemes in the forum Football 21 days ago

    Why do you think the playbook will largely be the same for Beck?

    I hope he will have the freedom to implement his own system.

  • TomahawkCruise replied to the topic Would you rather in the forum Misc 21 days ago

    You are not alone friend.

    I’m there with you.

  • TomahawkCruise replied to the topic Would you rather in the forum Misc 21 days ago

    I’ll take the basketball national title. That’s an easy call.

    Out of an elite football or elite basketball program, I’ll again take basketball.

  • 2008 National Champ replied to the topic RPO Blocking Schemes in the forum Football 22 days ago

    They ran RPO schemes under Ludwig.,,

    The overall playbook will be the same for Beck. Where there will be a difference is in the sequencing of calls and hopefully a “dumbing down” of the reads to allow the new QB the ability to take advantage of his athleticism. I’d also like to see a lot less predictability between personnel packages,…[Read more]

  • Trailgoat replied to the topic Would you rather in the forum Misc 22 days ago

    Bowl wins, no question. Combining the Rose Bowl games with the BB titles in your scenario, I would still choose the Fiesta and Sugar bowl wins. Football > BB all day. That said, my interest in college football continues to fizzle.

  • chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Would you rather in the forum Misc 22 days ago

    CBB just isn’t nearly as important to me as it once was. I really do not care. I haven’t even watched the national championship game (or much march madness at all) since the last time the Utes were in the tourney.

    At this point, I’d trade a single Big12 football championship for that win over Kentucky because that was nearly 30 years ago now, and…[Read more]

  • AlohaUte replied to the topic Would you rather in the forum Misc 22 days ago

    Bowl wins. They completely changed the course of the university, not only for football, but all athletics and even most everything else. Increase in interest in the school and applications, huge infrastructure investment, etc.

  • Ute1990 replied to the topic Would you rather in the forum Misc 22 days ago

    Since Utah has an NCAA championship and an NIT championship in basketball, I would keep the bowl wins. However, I would trade them for a legitimate NCAA football championship.

  • Uteanooga replied to the topic Would you rather in the forum Misc 22 days ago

    Nice one.

    I’ll keep the bowl wins.

    Would you rather have an elite football or basketball program?
    I’ll take football.

    Would you rather have an elite academic university or a university with elite athletics?
    I’ll take the academics.

  • HeyyyUguyyys started the topic Would you rather in the forum Misc 22 days ago

    It’s getting stale around here. I’ll go first.

    Would you rather keep the Sugar bowl win (Bama), Fiesta bowl win (Pitt), and Rose bowl appearances or give them all up for Andre Miller and crew winning the national championship over Kentucky in 1998?

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