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OmahaOmaha replied to the topic Utah Hockey Club: LEAKED concepts & logos in the forum NHL 1 month ago
Someone mentioned the Outlaws would be perfect if it were for a 14u baseball team. My kid once played for the Bandits, and the older team were the Outlaws. Blech. No thanks. Huge fan of the colors for the UHC but please stay away from the cartoonish Yeti. The oval logo is fine. If we’re going with the Mammoth it would look much better in…[Read more]
AlohaUte replied to the topic Utah Hockey Club: LEAKED concepts & logos in the forum NHL 1 month ago
I’m perfectly fine with both Mammoth and Outlaws. I don’t like HC.
As for color scheme, they should alter slightly. The current scheme is perfect for Mammoth, IMO, but I’d alter it a bit – like add some brown or copper color into it. If they go with Outlaws and want to keep the sky blue and black, they definitely need to add brown or copper or…[Read more]
The Miami Ute replied to the topic Utah Hockey Club: LEAKED concepts & logos in the forum NHL 1 month ago
Definitely one of the funnest games I’ve been to this season. And what a way for Dylan Guenther to come back from injury. getting the tying and game winning goals.
utefansince79 replied to the topic Utah Hockey Club: LEAKED concepts & logos in the forum NHL 1 month ago
Dramatic ending last night against the Flyers. Utah ended a long losing streak with an OT goal with a fraction of a second left on the clock.
utefansince79 replied to the topic 1944 Utah National Championship Basketball Team in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 month ago
Blitz Kids is a good book that tells the story of this team.
cj13 replied to the topic Utah Hockey Club: LEAKED concepts & logos in the forum NHL 1 month ago
Nah that one is terrible you cant really tell what is going on and have to zoom in a lot to make it out. Way too much going on Mammoth ftw
AlohaUte started the topic 1944 Utah National Championship Basketball Team in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 month ago
I dove down the rabbit hole of looking up NCAA Champions and realized I had never looked into the 1944 Utah team. Pretty interesting. It was a completely different world. Here’s the wiki page for that team: Utah 1944 Wiki
The schedule was nuts. They basically played a bunch of military teams, played Dow Chemical, etc. No BYU, no Utah State…[Read more]
Tony (admin) replied to the topic Singer in the forum Football 1 month ago
You had me excited for a second. I haven’t seen or heard anything.
Hellhound152 replied to the topic 2025 Schedule released…finally in the forum Football 1 month ago
Yup, only those slack jaw programs like Texas, Texas Tech, Nebraska and several other P4 schools play Wyo out of conference in home and homes. I love the hubris and delusion but Utah is legitimately 15 years removed from relying on those home and homes to build SOS. The P5 home and homes mixed with one and done games with top BCS teams built the…[Read more]
dwainegf replied to the topic 2025 Schedule released…finally in the forum Football 1 month ago
I’m always a 16-0 kind of fan. But really, I don’t see anyone on the schedule we can’t beat. I hope we stay healthy, and we have players mesh in the off season. None of the home games conflict with my personal schedule and there are two games I will attend on the road. Go Utes!!!!
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic 2025 Schedule released…finally in the forum Football 1 month ago
Utah doesn’t play Arizona this year.
I hate being in the same conference as ybu-p.
I don’t mind so much reuniting with TCU though.
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic 2025 Schedule released…finally in the forum Football 1 month ago
The Big XII also gave Arizona St and Colorado byes in their games leading up to Utah.
PhiladelphiaUte replied to the topic 2025 Schedule released…finally in the forum Football 1 month ago
I’m still nonplussed about the Pac-12 imploding, and resulting in our migration to the Big 12 (I would have preferred the ACC), but as far as we’re here…
…I like the flow of this schedule. Here are the reasons why…
1. There are no back-to-back roadies.
It goes without saying that the probability of a “win” decreases the further away…[Read more] -
The Miami Ute replied to the topic Utah Hockey Club: LEAKED concepts & logos in the forum NHL 1 month ago
You answered your own question. Yeti LLC, by its response, made it known that it was willing to go to court to maintain the singularity of its trademark. Yes, it’s possible the the UHC would ultimately win, but not before a protracted, years-long, and costly court fight. And realize this, Yeti LLC has deeper pockets than the Smith Entertainment…[Read more]
The Miami Ute replied to the topic 2025 Schedule released…finally in the forum Football 1 month ago
I hate this because it keeps Utah in the new Big 8.
Stone replied to the topic Utah Hockey Club: LEAKED concepts & logos in the forum NHL 1 month ago
I appreciate the response. Those are all decent points that show some overlap in merchandise, but I still don’t agree that a trademark can be that broad. One is primarily a professional hockey team, that happens to sell some related merchandise. The other is primarily a cooler company, that happens to sell some related merchandise.
If the cooler…[Read more]
Tony (admin) replied to the topic 2025 Schedule released…finally in the forum Football 1 month ago
Well I guess now that we have a running QB, we are the Runnin’ Utes.
utefansince79 replied to the topic If we lose to Colorado at home, I may need to take a break… in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 month ago
Colorado having an epic disaster of a year but will come in hungry.
We’ve shown some life against the weaker teams in the league and hopefully can win this one.
Tony (admin) replied to the topic Utah Hockey Club: LEAKED concepts & logos in the forum NHL 1 month ago
Aha. Yes for link you did it right. For youtube videos, you just paste the youtube URL on its own line in the text editor.
from the help section:
Post a YouTube Video
Copy the video URL from the URL bar of your browser
Paste video URL in the text editor area on its own line
There is no step 3 -
Minnesota Ute replied to the topic If we lose to Colorado at home, I may need to take a break… in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 month ago
And therein lies my concern. I’m still a little shocked that we lost to OSU. It seems to me like the book is out on us, apply a bunch of pressure and we just crumble.
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