Essentially what people want is a better trained officer correct? In what aspect? You want 3-4 years of specialty training? Or is it just a college education? Let’s say a minimum associates degree in Criminology. Something that can be obtained anyways by most academies. This will make for better cops correct? You want a highly specialized trained officer that will work s**t hours for the first three to four years of his career. Graves and swings mostly weekends and and generally all holidays. That has to work two jobs in that timeframe and get called into court or held over their 10-12 hour shift a lot.
Not only that you have to deal with the absolute worst society has to offer. You have to deal with mental anguish and terrible things. Like a 19 year old raping a 4 year old. Or a family annihilator that shot his entire family. You have to sit in a house with a body that has been decaying for two weeks. You get to arrest a 6’5 overweight human on PCP who is smothered in feces that cut himself and is assaulting people at the Starbucks.
You are telling me that people will want to attend a paramilitary academy for up to three to four years to do that? You are the ignorant one.
Larry is 100 percent the problem. “is he going to but him out” – Stupid question. Anyone associated as a fan or other of the program knows larry isn’t going anywhere due do his contract. But, the pressure should continue to be applied because his results are unacceptable. The recruits are all Larry’s recruits for good or worse. We all understand 18 years kids are going to transfer from time to time. Yes, it happens everywhere. I would expect 1 oe more each year. But, I don’t expect it to continousely our core key guys. Each year.
Either one or both of these things may be true. Either Larry has no idea what he wants. Meaning he recruits talented kids but doesn’t realize who want to realize who they are as people within the team environment that he wants to create. Or he just a s**** coach, in over his head and believes he is doing his best. But in reality is not a good teacher, developer or communicator with these young kids that he brings in. Either way the results are not there.
As someone who has worked in the hospitals you are speaking about I can tell you that the deaths associated with this pandemic have been brutal, heartbreaking, and real. I am astonished by some people’s ignorance.
I love ‘em. I’ve never been Mormon, so I don’t associate them with funerals. I associate them with Easter and Thanksgiving. They’re the one part of the local cuisine, along with fry sauce, that the culture got right.
It was a lot of fun, but it was also a failure. The team set a goal to win the Pac12 title, and they didn’t accomplish that goal. I believe that the team is clearly on an upward trajectory, and this last season is a big part of that. There is definitely reason to be positive about last year. The Oregon game completely destroyed any positive feelings I have associated to that particular football team. Just writing about it makes me feel like someone gut punched me. That is easily… EASILY the angriest I have ever been about anything ever. I honestly would have been lest irate if they had just completely rolled over and died from the opening snap. The frustrating part is that we had countless opportunities to take the game and just couldn’t get it done. This is why I can’t bring myself to watch any significant portion of any game from last year. It’s just too painful for me. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t fun at the time, I just can’t do that to myself.
The seniors played hard, and were very talented, but I am happy they have moved on. Nothing against them, I just think we need to start over with our team leadership after last year’s disastrous end to the season (and yes, it was an unmitigated disaster).
I am just saying that there are costs and health risks associated with every action – whether that be allowing the virus to spread unfettered, trying to find a middle ground, or going on full lock down. At some point, the costs of a lockdown will become greater than society can bear. I do not know when that is, but let’s say, hypothetically, that the lockdown continued for one year. There are massive costs, including health costs, that would be associated with doing so. People unable to work cannot afford medicine. People shut in homes go crazy and have mental breakdowns. People shut on homes commit suicide. I am not trying to be cruel, I think we need to do what we can, but at some point, life needs to go on, while taking all reasonable precautions.
Pace – I agree. As Tony noted, we are just slowing it down so that: (a) it does not overwhelm the system, (b) a vaccine can be developed, or (c) it dies off on its own due to change in weather, ala the typical flu.
Whether the costs associated with the steps being taken are worth the benefit is a balancing act. At some point–I do not profess to know when that is, there will be different opinions by all–life will need to go on. There are health risks and costs associated with allowing it to spread…and there are health risks and costs with going on full lock down.
I have been lurking on Ute Hub for years, but never registered because I don’t have much to add – not an expert on the technical aspects of sports, but a loyal Ute Fan. I registered today to comment on this post.
I don’t know why this board doesn’t boot Pace off. Everywhere you go there are doors to keep out undesireables, including social media. Why would a church let the Westboro Baptist people hang around in the back with megaphones and signs that say “Pray for more dead soldiers”? It interferes with the primary task of the church and distracts from the all the positive aspects of why people go to church. The doors on the church keep out the Westboro people because we are free to associate with people who we want and limit who we don’t want.
If I was Tony (and thanks Tony for putting this board together), I would send Pace packing. I simply don’t know why he is tolerated. I don’t believe there is a fairness doctrine that says you have to allow a**hats the right to give everyone the middle finger.
Lastly, I cannot seem to figure out how to block people. Not intuitive.
I am a HUGE Morgan Scalley fan and I would love him to stay at Utah. With the season the Utes are having, you know Morgan will be contacted about other positions. If the right opportunity comes along, he would have to consider it.
The way to keep him would be to make him the “Associate Head Coach” and tell him he is the head coach in waiting.
Also, Ludwing will be contacted. I hope we do everything possible to keep him. I am not sure if Ludwig wants to be a head coach or not. If he is content with being a coordinator, I would offer him whatever it takes to keep him. He’s been around the block, I hope he ends his career here at Utah.