I think the media has decided to throw Harlan’s name in the UCLA AD job consideration. I’m not sure there’s any real merit to this claim.
Edit: It looks like maybe UCLA fans are not very fond of Harlan… So I’m going to go out on a limb and say that there is very little credibility to these rumors. Seems like even the fans commenting on this blog post hate him.
Great post!!
I watch everything about the team I can get my hands on and the thing that seems to stand out above all this year is this feeling of brotherhood. They all seem to truly care about each other. Couple that with confidence and skill which they have beyond prior years, you have something special. I really have complete confidence that they will win the next 4 games. It’s been an honor to associate myself (from a distance) with this team as an alum.
On their boards right now, there are still GIFs of Covey getting demolished with associated comments about hurting him. Low-class people.
Weather systems are now synced to come through on the weekends. A front will pass through Salt Lake on Saturday afternoon. This will reverse wind from south at 20 mph to northwest at 20 with gusts to 30; then moderating by game time to NW at 15 mph. The air mass with this one is fairly dry so there may be a line of showers associated with the front, not expecting it to last long if it occurs — should be done by kickoff in any event. Kickoff temperature 51 after an early-afternoon high of 65 (don’t be fooled by warm midday!), then dropping to the low 40s by the end of the game. Sunset at 6:32 pm.
Everyone associated with the program is confident in Lisk. He’s earned what he’s gotten in both his preparation and understanding of the offense and he’s practiced better than Shelley in most weeks. He doesn’t make many mistakes and usually makes great decisions. Shelley is clearly capable but IMO was better suited in last years offense. He hasn’t grasped Ludwig’s scheme as well as Drew has IMO and has made more mistakes in practice throughout the Fall.
Rising is really talented and is definitely in the mix next year. Will be interesting to see how that plays out but for now just trust the coaching staff to do what’s best for the team. Lisk and Shelley both want to win and are willing to split time, start or watch. That’s just who they are…TEAM guys. They both have talents that can help if Tyler can’t go and are competing for the 2 every single day in practice. That’s a great thing by the way.
That said, waiting to see how Tyler progresses this week. No decision on him yet. Thompson came back in on Saturday so should be a go and Paulo could also be a game-time decision. Felt like it was a lot worse on Sat but I think we’ll be ok…nothing too serious.
FYI that wasn’t the student government – that was President Pershing. He was a total spineless pantywaist. Worst president I can recall in my 20+ years associated with the University.
Saw an article about that yesterday, Jaren Hall making history. I thought seriously???? Is there one other team in the NCAA you can think of which has never started a black QB? And they’re making a big deal of it. Sometimes I’m embarrassed to be associated with that institution. Not that I like being associated with them.
Plenty of blame to go around but I agree that the Offensive Line with my apologies to the words offensive and line were the biggest problem and well my apologies to fat people in general for having to be associated with those fat people.
The defense for all the big plays it gave up, the plays were there to be made, Lloyd missed the sack that would’ve held USC to a FG on their 2nd TD and the Safeties (mostly Blackmon) miss played and/or miss read at least 2 deep balls that also lead to USC TD’s. If they make the play that they were in position to make the D doesn’t look nearly as bad.
Strong disagree with you on that. The Ute Tribe loves that we use the drum and feather, and as long as they support it its absolutely ridiculous for any of us to say we should get rid of it. While it might have been ripped off the Redskins over fourty years ago, it is today most definitely associated with Utah and that is what matters most.
I worked in Duchesne county for years. Ft Duchesne and Whiterocks (and a smattering of places around there) are what currently constitutes the Ute reservation. I can assure you all that 99% of Utes are die hard Ute fans if they care about collegiate athletics at all. Take one trip to the area and you will see VERY quickly how happy the Ute tribe is to associate with the UofU. They use the UofU ‘U,’ and UofU colors on just about everything in those towns. Heck, they named the local high school (not affiliated with the Ute tribe) the Utes, and have a U that is almost exactly identical to that of the UofU… and yeah, their colors are exactly the same.
I’m sure there are a few grumps in the crowd, but that is the case with every group.
Also, spend 15 minutes driving through the reservation, and you can immediately tell that the Ute tribe has far more important things to worry about than the UofU using their tribe’s name.