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  • #236218

    Unfortunately the radio silence can be interpreted as, or an indication that Whittingham has failed to lock down the 2nd top OC on the market. OU has theirs and now TT. At this point Utah’s failure to hire a good OC is beginning to look bleak and i seriously doubt any other top candidate is coming to Utah because of Whitt. He’s not going to hire an outsider, but will hire his friends or an associate who will follow his commands whether they work or not. We will see another 5-7 season next year if not worse. I feared this would happen, but many of you Whitt apologist will adamantly disagree.


    If this season would have met expectations Or even if Utah had a winning record would Utah fans still hate the Big 12?

    With all of my heart. Outside of the 3 teams we came with I want to be associated with any of them from a football or overall athletics standpoint or an academic standpoint and least of all a cultural standpoint. I don’t mind a few schools, Kansas St, Iowa St but hate all of the Texas schools don’t have any connection to the ones on the other side of the country UCF, WVU and really irritated that we got into this s**thole after they replaced their best 2 brands with 4 mid majors. I’d rather be in with Cal Stanford OSU, WSU, ASU, Arizona and Colorado and mountain west teams. It would be a deeper, better, conference.


    In reply to: OC list – Bartle

    Tony (admin)

    I prefer not to patronize entities that associate with the tspp. Call it what you will. I have PTSD.


    In reply to: Coach of the future!



    You’re way too far over your skis, Man! I’ve covered this before. I have 5 GENERATIONS of UTE blood in my veins. And proud of it! Bet that’s 3 to 4 times at least more than you! But that’s not the point here.

    I ask the hypothetical question to try to get some of you non-thinkers to consider where the program is headed. You may not be aware that the all time LOOSING STREAK for one season at the U belongs to Tom Levat in 1974 .. who was later justifiably fired. Whitt has now unceremoniously tied him for futility. There’s a good chance he will break that record this week! That is totally unacceptable for a proud Utah Program! Period! Full on Exclamation Point!

    The House is on Fire! And some of you are saying ‘until it burns completely down to ashes, I’m on board with Whitt’.

    Makes my wonder who’s really the Troll here. What’s your real Motive? Either you and a few other out- spoken ‘Whitt Homers’ here are associated with the program, pulling down a fat paycheck while Utah football is dying on the vine, or you guys are Trolling the board. From your comments, can’t imagine you really want the Utes to fix the problems and rebuild this failure of a program!


    In reply to: Coach of the future!


    Extend his contract? Lol. I’d have to think twice before extending my hand if he fell on his ass tripping over his empty OC rolodex. Best case any of his cheerleaders have for keeping him is 16 years in the rear view mirror.

    You’d have to be an absolute knuckledragging dips**t to extend a coach that spent two years rotting your program from the inside out with such frightening effectiveness. He’d have been on notice in October of ’23. Let alone Thanksgiving week of ’24. If there was some miracle like me being in a coma for Cam’s last game and he managed to somehow slither his way a few weeks up the calendar there is no chance in any set of circumstances that I don’t throw him the keys of a rented Nissan Altima in a poorly lit Houston parking lot and tell him to drive his senile saboteur ass back to wherever the f**k he needs to go, so long as it’s not with 500 yards of anyone associated with the football program ever again.

    No other remotely successful team in the country would see their head coach still employed after this 2 season stretch, which is a self fulfilling prophecy. Because enjoying success entails behaving in a way that invites it. We can’t even poach the fattest guy on the soccer team to go kick a ball anymore. Successful football is so far off the table the dog ate it when it fell and s**t it on the 50 yard line.

    You don’t die on the hill of 16 years ago if you want to succeed in CFB. You produce now (or at the very least, dont actively torpedo your program into the dirt), week in and week out or you f**k off. Whitt isn’t a f**king walmart greeter, his position isn’t cermonial, and he’s compensated handsomely to produce. Anyone who would sacrifice the program itself out of a sense of charity for a person who is compensated like a feudal f**king lord via a public institution is absolutely bonkers and has forgotten why the f**k we’re here and what the actual deal is when you agree to take the helm of a serious program.


    Exactly what Miami said.

    Going to coach in the pros, gets a hefty raise, no longer has to recruit/deal with NIL, and gets to go home to California. A no-brainer for the coach.

    The new coach, Gavin Peterson, has been an assistant at the University for all of Roberts’ time here and he has been the Associate Head Coach for five (going on six years). I think the school has been expecting this situation for a while.


    Iowa State fan here. Just wanted to say that despite how some of your online fanbase has reacted, I like having Utah in the Big 12. Rice-Eccles seems like a great atmosphere and (outside of your pure disdain for being associated with us) I get the impression Ute fans have a lot in common with schools like us, KSU, OK State, WVU, and TTU. I was hoping to get out for the game this year, but it just wasn’t in the cards.

    Any how, I know Saturday doesn’t have the same juice that it looked like it was going to have back in early October, but I still think this is a really interesting match up as you guys still have a realistic bowl shot and we still have a realistic shot at the CCG. I only caught the highlights from your game Saturday (we were still harvesting and I was listening on the radio in a tractor), but a couple things stood out to me:

    1) Has Wilson taken a step forward, or did CU let up? I had seen the Houston game and wasn’t very impressed with him. What I saw on the highlights from Saturday looked like a different player.

    2) Did your secondary take a step back, or are Sanders/Hunter just that damn good? This feels like more of column B to me, but maybe you guys feel differently.

    It seems like this game has some strength on weakness match ups. Our run defense has struggled mightily since we lost our entire starting LB corps. Our pass defense is #3 in the country. I think Bernard will definitely get his and whether or not we can limit you to FG attempts vs TDs will likely tell a large part of the tale. On the other side of things, we’re a better passing team than a running team, but we’re getting healthier in the run game (our best RB has been on a pitch count and we had some line injuries as well). I hope Vegas is right about this one, but I’d be far from surprised if y’all get this one.


    Topic: My thoughts…

    in forum Football

    What a season. F**k this offense. Now that that is out of the way, my thoughts:

    We will get destroyed this weekend. BYU was our last stand and Whitt let the team down. And we probably get beat against UCF and Iowa St, although Iowa St is another team dumb enough to try to win games this way, so maybe we win that game. 4-8 baby.

    As for BYU. I really don’t care.

    As for Whitt…I hope he retires. I don’t know if he will. A few weeks ago I was 100% sure he had the fire back and was going to go into the bye week and come out and destroy BYU and he did what Whitt does…

    As for Scalley. My biggest concern. For 20+ years we’ve run Whitt’s man defense, blitz defense and it has been wildly successful. This year…this year we have changed the defense a TON. We gone from a man heavy/blitz defense to a bend-don’t-break and it hasn’t been unsuccessful…but it is reason #2 we’ve lost multiple games this year.

    What worries me about this, is this is Vic Fangio’s defense. He started it and everyone has copied it and we are copying it as well. Hell, Sitake ran it for years. Well, BYU is running Whitt/Hill’s man/blitz defense now and guess who else is?

    Vic Fangio. The Eagles run some of the most man concepts and blitz some of the most in the NFL this year.

    Why is Scalley moving towards a defense everyone has figured out and the minds behind that zone defense is moving away from it? That is a huge red flag. Our next HC has never been a HC and wants to make sweeping changes to the offense and defense. Color me nervous. We might be in for a rough 2-3 years if this doesn’t work out.

    This offseason is going to be wild.

    Finally, onto Harlan’s outburst…I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. I don’t think there is anyone associated with the University of Utah who has any pull/say in real decisions that likes the Big 12. Utah doesn’t want to be in the Big 12.

    Harlan was doing nothing more than laying the groundwork for Utah to leave. When Utah jumps to the ACC or forms a new conference with Stanford and Cal, we will all say, “we should have seen this coming after the BYU game…”

    It’s not a big deal and it was done to give Utah an exit strategy. Sure, BYU fans will scream about it but guess what? They are idiots. The people with real money at Utah are happy with Harlan’s reaction and if we aren’t in the Big 12 in 2025, it wouldn’t shock me. We probably will be, but if the ACC would take us, we’d be gone in a hearbeat.

    Anyways, this season sucks, f**k you guys and I’ll see you tomorrow.


    I may just be one of the weirdest origin stories for a Utah fan.

    I grew up in Boise Idaho, only a few blocks from BSU. I attended more football games there in my youth than I have Utah football games. I used to sell coke/popcorn/hot dogs to make a few extra bucks. My little league baseball coach played for BSU then the Pittsburgh Steelers. (I’m still a huge Pittsburgh sports fan, Pens, Bucs, Steelers) Then I left home and ended up in Utah… Provo, Utah. My two best friends growing up both went to BYU, I remember my best friend’s dad going to the Stake Center to watch BYU football on their satellite when we were in High School.

    So then I end up in Provo, working and going to BYU part-time for a year. I was at the #1 Miami against BYU game the year Ty Detmer won the Heisman. In fact I had student tickets a couple years. I’ve only had season tickets one year at Utah. So what happened? I got fed up with the attitude of some of the students/fans. I felt they were very judgmental and since I didn’t have a lifelong affiliation I was seduced by the Maji. One of my cool roommates loved basketball and we watched Utah against UNLV in March Madness. I loved Majerus, I loved the idea of not being judged for who I was. I lived in Provo for five or six more years before I attended the U. I transferred to UVSC (UVU) finished my associates and then transferred to the U. Why did it take me so long to finish my degree? I joined the Utah National Guard and took some time off from school to travel the world with the Army.

    While there were many I’ll only share two stories which illustrate my loathing for TSPP fans. First my best friend’s older brother. He did not go on a mission because he couldn’t keep his pecker in his pants. Then a couple years later had the audacity to criticize me for something saying “That’s what you get for not getting your Eagle Scout.” EXCUSE ME! And here’s a bombshell!!! I was also roommates with one of the Cougar Board moderators. Not going to spill too many details, but let’s just say he also turned me to the dark side with his actions.

    So in about 1992 I’d made my transition. Even though I lived in Provo until 1997. I loved being a devil in the holier than thou Provo. So I transferred to the U and completed my Jr/Sr year graduating in 1998. Yes in only four quarters, I took a very heavy load.

    The 1998 loss to BSU which in retrospect was very much like the 95 yard 4th quarter drive we just saw this last weekend. I remember seeing a PE teacher from my Jr. High at that game, that was the year I had season tickets. That game ended my affinity for BSU. So much so that when I lived in Virginia I went to the BSu-VT game at FedEx field with a VT shirt and my friend who graduated from VT. My father, brother and sister all graduated from BSU. And in true brotherly fashion my brother called right after BSU won and let me have it. BSU is stolen valor in my opinion, claiming all the achievements Utah did first.

    I’ve never attended a TSPP game outside those couple years, save that 1998 game. Man that was not a good year with losses to both in the same season. In Virginia I was friends with ARod’s HS friend and loved the insider information. I’ve been to Utah games in North Carolina, Louisville, Michigan, and Notre Dame. Sadly I moved to Colorado before the game at Pitt.

    So how did I end up a Utah fan? I guess I’m just a contrarian and don’t like being judged, so I rebelled.

    GO UTES!!!!


    Thanks for posting that link. No doubt Cal fans should be more p**sed than Ute fans over that. My Best friend’s hate burns for the ACC refs, Miami, anyone associated with that conference with the power of a thousand suns… still. Plus, being from Cal and a science grad he wants to use their patented Cyclotron to level the ACC athletics office.

    “naw, that was me…”

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