My totally uninformed opinion is that the four corner schools won’t reach out to the Big12 while Oregon and Washington are still in the conference. Doesn’t look like the Big10 is calling, so their options are limited. Some Big12 honks think they’ll go to the Big12, but I don’t see that happening. I think they’d go Independent before they associated themselves with Big12 schools. Or, try to reach out to the ACC and sign onto their existing GOR.
You bring up an interesting point about viewership issues with west coast college football teams. There may be a viewpoint that it doesn’t matter where the Pac12 TV deal lands, it’s always going to have viewership issues, so they might as well go where the money is.
If Apple is willing to essentially overpay for the Pac12 in order to gain the Pac12 Network infrastructure and monetize it, than the conference would be fools not to listen to their offer. Apple is one of the richest and most influential companies on the planet. And if the Pac12 was their product, you know they’d heavily promote it. That is not a bad thing.
At the end of the day, I just want to watch Utah play and make a few playoff runs under the 12 team format. If Utah makes the move to the Big12, I wouldn’t care. Just give me Utah football.
It’s funny reading on CB what they think will happen to the Pac-12. Sometimes I like CB because there are dudes who have actual insider info, but most of the time it’s just way too extreme, especially when it comes to topics of anything associated with Utah. They all think the Pac-12 is going to die, but if I’ve learned anything from reading CB and Utah message boards is that usually it’s something in between that will happen. So probably the PAC-12 will secure a television deal and the conference will live on comfortably and somewhat happily. I am curious though, are y’all feeling confident with the stability of the PAC-12?
Also, it cracks me up how CB talks way more about Utah than they do their own team. On this message board you rarely see anything about BYU.
I’m not originally from Utah so it’s pretty easy for me to admit that I’ve always associated “Red Rock(s)” with Colorado – thanks U2. And even after spending a bunch of time in Bryce, it took a few years before I finally made the association with the gymnastics team. Put me on the list of those who think mascots are unnecessary, and if you have to explain why something is your mascot, it has even less value.
Adrian Klemm hired by New England.
Not sure what if any impact it will have on the Utes, but looks like the Ducks will need to find a new OL coach, he was also the associate head coach and run have coordinator.
ESPN link
How can you associate that matchup with such a great album?
He never accused just one party of having flaws he just pointed out one flaw that one of them has. The funny part of comment is that it’s rather unclear about which it is, maybe that’s something to think on. I associate “calling people out” with the left, but it’s pretty undeniable that BYU is an abnormally right leaning university.
There’s always been a contingency of BYU fans who are arrogant, self-righteous, holier-than-thou losers. Kind of a trademark of their fanbase. Mixing religion and sports always results in weird fans that think their teams are divinely selected and look down on other fanbases as godless heathens.
Even on Cougarboard, where that kind of behavior is common, some of their fans get called out for being insufferable. There’s this one dude on Twitter, his name is Jalenooper or something, that verbally accosted a Ute fan at Scheel’s over a tweet. A tweet!
The vitriol has definitely ramped up the last two years. It’s to be expected with rivals when one program is successful and the other is not. The back-to-back conference championships combined with Utah lapping them in recruiting has them really fired up.
It’s mostly online, though. Haven’t had any BYU fans talk s**t to me in real life. Maybe that’s because I only associate with reasonable fans that understand winning 1 out of the last 10 games with doesn’t really give them much to work with.
Makes you wonder though. There are costs (personal and professional) associated with moving to another program with just one year of eligibility left. I mean, you’re going from an environment that you’re completely familiar with to one completely different (system, culture, climate, etc…). In addition, no matter their record last year, A&M’s roster is stacked on both sides of the ball and there are absolutely zero guarantees that Mataele will even sniff the field on a team that probably will be worse (record-wise) than Utah.
I think you missed the point of my original comment/question on why people associate ‘god’ with trivial worldly ‘things’ and latched on to my final statement where I wished it would stay out of football.
Should people be able to ‘thank god’ after winning a game? Sure. I think it is strange, but sure. Doesn’t change the fact that I wish they wouldn’t. It also doesn’t mean that I would advocate for saying they can’t.
They’ve been trying to get him there since he got on campus. He struggled with it in 2020 and all of the injuries on the other side in 2021 didn’t give much opportunity. Also, having Nephi be so flexible allowed Clark to stay outside while Nephi played a hybrid LB/S instead of the traditional CB/S that you associate with the Nickel.
JT, Vaughn and Marks being healthy and playing with more confidence allows Phillips to move to Nickel which is a huge upgrade over Mataele, even if the true math is Phillips/Vaughn > Phillips/Mataele. With Jaylon Johnson, it was an exceptional cover corner who would shut down one guy. With Clark, the potential is that by lining up all over the field, the offense never knows who he is covering which can be a force multiplier. I believe that his 3 picks last week were against 3 different receivers and field/boundary alignments didn’t matter.
Assuming competent play out of the corners, having Phillips and Bishop be equally adept at pass coverage and run support (Phillips shut down either a 3rd and 2 or 4th and 2 run while the game was still in doubt) will take a lot of pressure off the front 6. I don’t know if the move is official but even if it stays 50/50 like last week it really enhances Scalley’s options. Not to mention that in 2023, either Ritchie or Bishop will play the nickel and the corners will stay the same so you are getting your best alignment now while building experience for the future ensuring that Phillips getting drafted will not gut your secondary.