Utah @  Oklahoma State

125 total D1 teams

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    • #119247
      9 2

      61 in P5 conferences (if I counted correctly).  Only 10 of those got to play in their conference championship.  Only 5 won.  

      In other words, Utah finished in the top 16%.

      We all know what could’ve been and IMHO what should’ve been.  But to sit here and endlessly complain about one aspect of what our coaching staff responsabilities is unrealistic and unfair let alone ignorant and naieve.  115 other teams would have killed to be in the spot we were in.

      I know people hate this, but Utah will never be a recruiting hot bed.  There is a strong stigma outside the state and to overcome that is incredibly difficult especially when dealing with atheletes of minority races.  If you deny this, you are not living in reality.  For example, I met a couple this summer in SLC from Madagascar.  Their first question what where they should go to see the mormons (thinking they all lived on a ranch some where).  They had no idea that most mormons are just normal everyday folks just living their lives.  Could you imagine growing up in LA and getting a call from Scally to invite you to play here, where in your mind we don’t have sex, nor drink and all have 5 wives under that age of 16?  This is, in reality, what some think when they think of Utah.

      We all want more.  While I believe every coach eventually get’s to a plateu in their tenure, I think this year proved that Whit is not there yet.  Letting go of the most sucessfull coach in school history, or even advocating such either directly or indirectly, is assenine.  It would likely significanly set back the program decades.  

      Our recruting improves every year.  The main reason for that is our consistency.  The same staff.  This staff used players of similar back grounds to show recruits that they can be normal here and that it is a good place.  It’s working and will continue to improve.  But it will never reach the level that some ‘fans’ would like it to.  Plain and simple.

      On a side note, coaching didn’t lose those last two games though the offensive play calling could have been better.  I will never call players out (by name), but what I saw in the last two games was players trying too hard to make big things happen when smaller opportunities were there that would have led to larger ones, had they been taken advantage of.  IOW’s, instead of doing their 1\11th as they had one most the year, a lot of players were trying to do more.  Frustrating, but understandable.  

    • #119248
      Tony (admin)

      • #119252

        Whatever I feel like I wanna do, gosh!

    • #119254

      I know we want to talk about all of the ways in which it can and hopefully will get better. 

      But that had zero to do with the result in the Texas game. Oregon for sure out played Utah. Texas is poorly coached and outplayed Utah easily. At least put up fight or some effort. Basically down 10-0 you go for it on fourth and 1 failing miserably.  On your own forty that was the ball game. Whitt understood if they didn’t care then, right after his halftime speech, the rest of the game wouldn’t matter.

      Still much was accomplished this season to ignore that.. well I can’t help that, you are the way you are. 

      • #119257
        5 1

        Still south champions for two years in a row; counts for something. Few years ago that was outa reach.; I was happy with a bowl and win over BYU.. The blue print is there just need to finish. I’d like to think those losses make us better in the long run. So I’ll go with that. I am Grateful for our seniors and what they accomplished and excited to see what next years team brings

        • #119260
          5 1

          Are we not entertained?  That fUCLA game I went to was hella fun.  Utah’s first shut out in the P12 happened with Cal. Averaged close to 35 ppg with the offense. Longest win streak in the P12 era. Anae already broke Dimicks sack record. Moss snapped some old records. Everything is trending up. Everything is pointing towards a better Utah program. 

    • #119371

      I think the younger crowd does not have as many negative impressions of Utah as do the older crowd. Moving from the MWC to the Pac did a lot to get rid of the small western Idaho feel. For every athlete that looks for lifestyle others look for no distractions. Remember many only have impressions from the last 5 years since that goes back to 8th grade. I think our arrow is pointing up and better then it once was.

    • #119555

      There are 256 D1 teams.

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