2016 Ute Hub Suggestion Box

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    • #7780
      Tony (admin)

      Well I whipped the site together quite quickly the week of the Oregon game. Since then I’ve tweaked and coded hundreds of hours to improve the experience. I spent a LOT of time creating the UF.N/CB style threaded view, which I think is BETTER than theirs…

      I’m always wanting to improve the site and enjoy doing it. So what’s your hope for the site in 2016? Post your suggestions (and, gulp, complaints) below.

    • #7792

      My hope is more peeps! 🙂

      I think the site is great, Tony. Here are two suggestions/points. Please forgive, they’re based on personal preference.

      1. I’ve seen some boards where there was an indication next to the thread that indicated whether you had actively posted in it or not. That would be kind of cool.

      2. The ability to Reply to a single post makes things… confusing. Like, when you go to the last unread post in the thread and it dumps you in the middle of the thread, but then you try to figure out where at the end of the thread you left off, or hope you don’t miss out on other single post replies midstream. Maybe – just maybe – the ability to quote is enough? Maybe not have a “reply” ability right midstream, but a person can quote what someone says (maybe even with a limit of 2-3 deep on quotes), so that the convo can be picked up on and followed later on? I’m thinking jazzfanz style here.

      That’s it. You’ve done some great, great stuff on here! I think it’ll take off, just give it time and exposure. Maybe doing whatever it takes to make sure search engines point here first – I don’t know how possible that is without money, but there may be something you can do…?

    • #7802
      Tony (admin)


      Maybe not have a “reply” ability right midstream, but a person can quote what someone says (maybe even with a limit of 2-3 deep on quotes)

      I get what you are saying about a standard forum style quote feature. If you do want to quote someone with the current setup, the b-quote button is the ticket. See the quote above. Click it and put their text between the < blockquote > < /blockquote > tags.

      1. Interesting idea.
      2. I get your confusion. The idea is that in more of a cooterboard format you can see who is replying to who. The forum-thread view shows them in a different order, just the order by date.

      The forum software I chose for the site was a bit of a risk to try. It’s kind of non-standard. But since I’m an expert at WP and coding custom WP themes and functions, I went that way. That way I could, like in the case of the forum thread view, program it.

      Regarding getting some new traffic, I totally agree. If you guys can post to your friends on your social networks, and if you can do it without getting banned on other boards, invite people to come here.

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Tony (admin).
    • #7804
      Tony (admin)

      One improvement I have noted is the site format on mobile phones. While it is already 47.9 billion times better than UteFans.net, it still could be better. I’ll be working on that.

    • #7828

      The only thing this site lacks is traffic. This site clearly offers a superior product and experience than Utefans.net. I feel you’ve played nice with UF.N enough, telling everyone there’s room for both sites. I think it’s time to let people know they’re foolish if they stay on UF.N and not come here. Send out some mass boardmails to members on UF.N letting them know this site is free, and better.

      • #7863

        Moose is absolutely right.

    • #7867
      Tony (admin)

      I do agree with @whistleofmoose and @hnoseguard more members and more activity is big. But if I spam UF.N or other sites I’ll just end up getting banned.

      • #7952

        This would be true if Monkey were paying attention. He’s not! It’s clear he does not care. I think you should boardmail a few people and invite them over. Did you see Rocker’s post about the schedule at the top of UF.N? Plus, remember the person who kept asking to advertise on UF.N? The guy had to beg to give Monkey money. There is no one watching the store.

    • #7883

      I think the site is great! Would love more users as well. Thanks for all the hard work getting this site up!

    • #7889
      Tony (admin)

      One way to help is INVITE PEOPLE to come and join!! Maybe we’ll try some sort of invite campaigns or something.

    • #7891

      I like this site a lot. The only thing that I’d like is to be able to quickly tell which posts I’ve read and which posts are new

    • #7892
      Tony (admin)


      I’d like is to be able to quickly tell which posts I’ve read and which posts are new

      You can see where posts you haven’t read yet are. If you go to recent posts for instance, https://www.utehub.com/recent-posts/, and on the left column you will see a red “NEW” graphic showing there are unread posts in that discussion.

    • #7959

      All the above and I actually agree with Moose.

    • #8128

      When you click on a thread from “Recent Posts” I can’t stand the bold red font at the top of the page, in this thread, it’s “2016 Ute Hub Suggestion Box”

      It gives me apoplexy every time I see it. The font is hard to read, it’s too spaced out, the space between each letter is the same as the space between the words.

    • #8134
      Tony (admin)

      On browser or mobile or both @89ute ? I’ve gone back and forth with that font. It’s a block U style font which is cool, but the spacing on my phone is worse than on my computer.

      • #8151

        Both on my tablet and desktop. Google Chrome browser on both, checked with Explorer on desktop, still the same. If it’s only me that has an issue with it, don’t worry, I can deal with it. It just bugs me, I can deal with it. Actually, it’s a good sign if we are to the point about fonts being an issue. Keep up the good work, I love what you’re doing.

    • #8152
      Tony (admin)

      Actually, it’s a good sign if we are to the point about fonts being an issue. Keep up the good work, I love what you’re doing.

      Well unlike “other” sites I won’t settle for “it works” or “good enough.” It is something I noticed and kind of forgot about.

    • #8155
      Tony (admin)

      Clear your cache.

      • #8166

        Thank you, I cleared my cache and the block, monospaced font is gone.

    • #8261

      How about basketball standings on the right hand side along with football standings and schedules. Also, I’d like those items to open in a separate tab, just my personal preference, I can certainly live with having the link replace the board page.

    • #8267
      Tony (admin)

      @89ute I could link to the pac-12 standings on their site. Too much of a PITA to update that stuff on a page here.

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