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2017/2018 team as of 4/21/17

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    • #33031
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      the 2017/2018 team as it stands right now. Obviously I am ignoring the two freshmen going on missions (Carlson and Brenchley). Please correct me where I am wrong:

      PG: Barefield (junior) and Bibbons (senior). No one currently backing them up.

      SG: Van Dyke (Junior), Connor (Junior Walk On), Rydalch (Sophomore Walk On)

      SF: Kuzma (Senior), Tillman (Freshman)

      PF: Collette (Senior), Rawson (Senior), Seeley (Sophomore), Reininger (Sophomore Walk On)

      C: Johnson (Sophomore), Jokl (Sophomore)

      10 Scholarship players: Barefield, Bibbons, Van Dyke, Kuzma, Tillman, Collette, Rawson, Seeley, Johnson, Jokl.

      We badly need a freshman PG that can red shirt behind Barefiled and Bibbons. But, what freshman PG isn’t already signed?

      We are ridiculously weak at the SG position. I assume the plan is for Tillman to play SG? If so – that puts Tillman and Kuzma at the 2 & 3 spots with basically nobody to back them up (I assume Seeley slides in as the back up, but his health is a concern). These are our shooters. Remember that come Pac12 season. I guess we could run Barefield/Bibbons at the 1&2, Tillman at the 2/3, with Kuzma as the 3 (when collette is in the game).

      Holy hell is this team thin. Whatever the “recruiting news that we should hear about in about a week” is, it better be significant. We are one concussion, one sprained ankle away from a disastrous season.

      BTW – not sure if any of you heard the press conference put on by the AD Chris Hill, but I laughed when he referred to the season as a “good season” and the media member (97.5fm I think) instantly said “your fans did not consider it a good season” and pressed the AD hard about the really easy non-conference schedule (and the lack of fan attendance to those games). The AD had no answer in the end. He tried to say that it was intentional because the team wasn’t projected to be any good (8th in the Pac 12). Then the same media member said “but you built this schedule months before those projections came out”. The AD went silent.

      The AD also said we are getting a new scoreboard in the Huntsman Center. Was hoping it will be completed prior to the start of the season (roughly $4M).

    • #33036

      It was not a great season, and started out way better than it ended which broke some hearts, but I think it was a good season for a rebuild year. We all miss Poeltl.

    • #33039

      First you forgot Gabe Bealer he received another year of eligibility and he can play the 2 and 3 spots. Over the last 6 games of the season he shot 48% from 3.

      Second Tillman is NOT a SG at best he’s a combo forward but I see him more of a PF. He’s 6’7″ 225lbs with a strong college ready body. He’s everything Chris Reyes ever wanted to be. He will bang like a Ty Corbin or Draymond Green

      Seeley is a SF wing guy he’s not a banger. Even in high school at 6’8″ he only avg 2 rebounds a game

      • #33042

        I left him off intentionally. When did Bealer receive his extra year? Coach K was just on the radio last week and said he had not received it (Thursday last week).

      • #33049

        It will be interesting to see how Tillman and Seeley develops. Preliminarily, based on their recruiting/playing videos, Tillman seems to have skills to play the 3 more so than Seeley.

    • #33041

      Within the context of the conference, we have a lot of work to do as far as recruiting goes. Other than Washington State, and maybe Washington given its coaching issue, everyone has highly rated, if not top-25 class, going into the 2017-18 season. Of course, proof is in the pudding, let the results speak for themselves.

    • #33045
      Tony (admin)

      Please try to close all of your tags like bold and such…. 

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