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2021 Fundraiser Update – $2222

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Ute Hub Site 2021 Fundraiser Update – $2222

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    • #156572
      Tony (admin)

      Goal achieved! Thank you all for your generous contributions in the 2021 Ute Hub fundraiser. I set the goal at $2k to cover most of the site costs and I was completely humbled when I saw that someone bumped the total up to $2222 with a sizable donation. To all who have donated, thank you. You are helping to keep the site free, and free of advertising. I’ll leave the fundraiser active probably through the end of the football season, but if we don’t get anymore donations that’s totally cool.

    • #156580

      Very cool!

    • #156584

      Kudos to whoever did that! Tony, thanks for keeping us going.  This past year or so has really brought in some quality members.  I really respect their opinions and like reading their stuff.  Not sure about that dystopia guy though… I kid.  I kid.  😉

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